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In the Lives of Puppets
In the Lives of Puppets | Tj Klune
118 posts | 93 read | 3 reading | 59 to read
New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune invites you deep into the heart of a peculiar forest and on the extraordinary journey of a family assembled from spare parts. In a strange little home built into the branches of a grove of trees, live three robotsfatherly inventor android Giovanni Lawson, a pleasantly sadistic nurse machine, and a small vacuum desperate for love and attention. Victor Lawson, a human, lives there too. Theyre a family, hidden and safe. The day Vic salvages and repairs an unfamiliar android labelled HAP, he learns of a shared dark past between Hap and Gioa past spent hunting humans. When Hap unwittingly alerts robots from Gios former life to their whereabouts, the family is no longer hidden and safe. Gio is captured and taken back to his old laboratory in the City of Electric Dreams. So together, the rest of Vics assembled family must journey across an unforgiving and otherworldly country to rescue Gio from decommission, or worse, reprogramming. Along the way to save Gio, amid conflicted feelings of betrayal and affection for Hap, Vic must decide for himself: Can he accept love with strings attached? Inspired by Carlo Collodi's The Adventures of Pinocchio, and like Swiss Family Robinson meets Wall-E, In the Lives of Puppets is a masterful stand-alone fantasy adventure from the beloved author who brought you The House in the Cerulean Sea and Under the Whispering Door.
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I never, in a million years, thought I would identify with a little sentient vacuum with an anxiety disorder!
But look and see, a little pinch of Rambo wisdom 💛🤖🩷.

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In a book populated with mostly robots, Klune explores what it means to be human. Those pesky contradictions that, as a whole, make us a fascinating, infuriating, and sometimes violent species unlike any other. It's clear that this novel was somewhat steamrolled in the editing stages. I wish it hadn't been made obligatory that Klune remove all mention of Vic's autism. (1/2)

TheIntrovertedDodoBird Though his character remains neurodivergent-coded, it would have been nice to have it represented as clearly as his asexuality. With fascinating subtext, the book would inspire such wonderful topics for debate. It's also such fun to find little Easter eggs hidden amongst the prose. Once again, I loved every moment of this story inspired by The Adventures of Pinocchio and The Swiss Family Robinson! (2/2) 3w
Jari-chan What a lovely cover 😍 3w
TheIntrovertedDodoBird @Jari-chan It's so pretty. It's a limited edition by Dazzling Bookish Shop. I love it so much. 3w
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Rereading Klune's books always feels like coming home 🦋.

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Here are my May #Roll100 picks! I‘ve already read book 29.

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 1mo
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Just a fantastic story populated with wonderful characters (Nurse Ratched!…although not THAT Nurse Ratched) set in what feels like a not too distant future where machines run the world and humans don‘t.
A story about the meaning of family and the love that binds us all.
My first book by TJ Klune…but definitely not my last!

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Honestly this was a bit strange. I was very disappointed. I loved the characters but the sexual / asexual aspects of this book did not mesh with the storyline. It was confusing, disorganized and completely took me away from enjoying the characters' journey.
Not my favorite from TJ Klune 😕

But........ I am SOOO excited for the follow-up book to House in the Cerulean Sea to come out... already know it will be a 4/5 star read!!!

The.Great.Catsby I'm also super excited for Somewhere Beyond the Sea. I love love loved Cerulean! I totally agree about this one, though. It completely missed the mark for me. 4mo
LoverOfLearning @The.Great.Catsby yeah glad I'm not alone in that... and yay yay yay we can be excited together 4mo
WorldsOkayestStepMom *gasp* there's going to be a sequel to Cerulean Sea?! 4mo
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dabbe #hailthebail! ❤️💜🩷 4mo
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The audiobook for this title is amazing. It really brings the characters to life. I laughed so much. And it is simply a great story.

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⭐️⭐️This was disappointing. Klune had good ideas, however he tends to get stuck with alot of unnecessary dialogue which doesn‘t advance the story and leaves the reader time to get bored. This book took me a month to get through. Although imaginative the writing needs to improve.

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@MatchlessMarie I LOVE this #jolabokaflodswap, thank you soooo much!

I stupidly forgot to bring this during holiday travels and just got back today so I will be celebrating Jolabokaflod today! I couldn‘t be happier.

As always, thank you @MaleficentBookDragon for organizing!

bridge12 Oh! I forgot to mention the holiday koala wrapping paper actually made me squeal with delight @MatchlessMarie 5mo
MatchlessMarie I thought I commented on the this but I didn‘t! You are welcome! Happy holidays and happy new year!! 5mo
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Its a good futuristic telling of Pinocchio, but it‘s very long and very repetitive at times. About 70% in and it finally got exciting

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Not sure how a bunch of robots made me so emotional, but they did. This is my second book by TK Klune and I need to read as many of their works as possible I think. Definitely becoming a new favourite author for me.

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Deeply reliant on, and evocative of Pinocchio and at times, The Wizard of Oz, Kline‘s latest stand alone is, IMHO, not his best work. When he breaks free from the earlier author‘s tropes there are flashes of his usual brilliance, and I genuinely enjoyed his characters. Victor, the last of his kind, sets out on a quest to find his stolen creator/father/robot accompanied by sentient and charming machines seeking wisdom, courage and a heart.

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This was my first TJ Klune book & i thoroughly enjoyed it. It reminded me a little of A Psalm for the Wild Built but this is much more plot driven. Gio, an inventor robot, isolates himself deep in the forest to bring up his adopted son, Victor, who is human. Together they create a family from discarded robots. But there is danger afoot that threatens this little family. Nurse Ratched and Rambo really made this book hum for me 🥰

LoverOfLearning Please please please read House in the Cerulean Sea of you haven't. Incredible and insanely beautiful. Book 2 will be out at the end of the year. 4mo
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This is such a powerful and beautiful story. My daughters bought it for me, thinking it would be a light-hearted distraction read. It was much darker than I expected, but the characters are so very endearing. Nurse Ratched is hilarious. I didn't love it as much as House in the Cerulean Sea, but it was definitely worth the read.

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Moving tagged book up since it‘s probably in the running.

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ShelleyBooksie Yay!! 7mo
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Thank goodness for audio books. The plague has hit my house and I am so sick that even lifting a book is too much effort. Listening to the tagged book in-between times that I am not knocked out sleeping. Lol, I think I have started the same chapter over at least 3 times as I fell asleep 🤒🤧🤢 Audio book, Jello(the only thing I can swallow) and strong meds are getting me through.

Aims42 Ugh, so sorry! Hopefully you feel better soon!! 7mo
TheLudicReader Sorry to hear you‘re not feeling well. Feel better soon. 7mo
AmyG Oh no. Hope you feel better soon. 7mo
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Chrissyreadit nooooo! Sending healing wishes your way! i hope you all recover quickly! 7mo
Ruthiella Wishing you a speedy recovery! 🤒❤️ 7mo
curiouserandcurioser @DinoMom I hope you feel better soon❤ 7mo
bookaholic1 Hope you feel better soon...I'm dragging my feet as well 7mo
Reggie Hope you feel better. 7mo
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In a world populated by robots, Victor is the last human alive. Raised by his father, android Giovanni Lawson, in the woods far from other robots, Victor didn‘t fully understand how much danger he was in until Gio is taken and their home is destroyed.
Vic, along with an anxious roomba, a psychopathic nurse robot, and a memory-wiped human-killing android set off to rescue Gio.
Think a reverse Pinocchio meets Wall-E.

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This was probably my least favorite tj klune book, but he‘s fabulous so that‘s not saying it is a bad book. Just that it is hard to live up to the Cerulean Sea. When I read up on the original Pinocchio story, it was incredible seeing how he included the characters and elements but in this futuristic world. Great narration. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I love this opening passage in “In the Lives of Puppets.“ Very excited to dive right into this book!

ShelleyBooksie What an intro! 8mo
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I wasn‘t expecting sci-fi! This is a seriously thought provoking tale of a future when the machines have taken over. It‘s quirky, and some parts really dramatic. But it‘s good and Rambo the vacuum robot is just adorable.

jackilynn Rambo was my favorite!!! 8mo
Mrs_B @jackilynn such a great character! 8mo
TheIntrovertedDodoBird @Mrs_B Rambo is my comfort character 🩷🤖. Loved Vic and Hap, too, though. Overall, I love this book, and your review is awesome! 8mo
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My friend Ken is an ICU nurse so I had to tell him about the amazing sociopathic robot nurse in this book, who I knew he would love. That was a few months ago. Then we had this little text exchange this week. 😂

Ruthiella I love it when a recommendation is successful! 👏👏👏 8mo
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4.5 ⭐You know, how some books just stay with you for a while. This is one of those books. It is a cross between Pinocchio and Steven Spielberg‘s AI, but with a happy ending and a ton of heart. Hap is the last living boy. The world has been taken over by robots. He survives out in the woods with his father Gio, with no knowledge that he is fully unique. Upon accidently alerting the AI overlords that he is alive, dangerous adventure begins to

LibrarianRyan find humanity within the metal and wires of artificial life.

This is my first TJ Klune book. I see why his stories are beloved. This was engrossing. And I didn‘t mind when I had to listen to section repeatedly because I missed something. Sometimes I listened to them again because they made me laugh. There is tongue in cheek comedy like the vacuum that is named Rambo (probably a Rumba from our time), and the nursing box named Ms. Ratchet.
LibrarianRyan This book is just fun. But it also makes you think. Both at AI and what could happen, and at what it means to be human, especially when there are no other humans around to learn from.

I loved this book. I have many others by this author in my collection that I look forward to reading. I know he is considered controversial to some, and I understand and respect those feelings.
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I rather enjoyed this ridiculous book. It's a fun, imaginative sci-fi that rifs on Pinocchio as we follow a human and his robot found-family on a quest to rescue his father and uncover hard truths about their world along the way. I also always enjoy finding ace mcs and neurodiverse mcs. Highly recommend giving the audiobook a listen as well. The narrator does an excellent job. #Robots #LGBTQIA

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A so-so reading week. I‘ve looked into Puppets more and have thought about it a great deal, and have decided that Vic still codes as sexually immature to me; also, the placement of an ace, autistic person in an all-robot world needed something more to make it work. Apparently the book was heavily edited, but the fact that Klune who self-identifies as ace did some of the things he did to this character still feels very odd to me. #bookreport

Larkken I found the following comment on Reddit to be particularly interesting: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/14m8zh2/bb_bookclub_final_discussion_i... 9mo
LiteraryinLawrence This is such a great link. Thanks for pointing me to more about this topic. 9mo
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Yall. I‘m into the plot of this and its riffs on Pinocchio but I‘m finding other parts to be a little cringe. Klune‘s projection of sociopsychosis onto Nurse is odd, for one. I‘m also put off by the rather cutesie & repetitive allusion to genitals, and this plays into how “asexual” seems to be used in place of “sexually immature.” Is anyone else feeling that Klune seems to imply that one is only ace until one finds their “true” sexuality? Ick.

DimeryRene I like your critiques. I‘ll keep this in mind when I read this, if I get to it. He‘s been disappointing me lately. 😵‍💫 9mo
LiteraryinLawrence That‘s a really interesting observation. Thanks for sharing! 9mo
The.Great.Catsby Yes, yes, absolutely yes. I did DNF this one because of that reason (along with some others). 9mo
Larkken @DimeryRene @LiteraryinLawrence @The.Great.Catsby I'm interested enough in the plot to see if Klune will turn the sexuality issue around, and maybe I'm missing some nuance? We'll see. 🤷🏻‍♀️ If any of y'all are still reading please let me know if it strikes you differently! 9mo
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This was so fun - a kind of weird futuristic mashup of Pinocchio and Frankenstein… the audio was fun (my teen boys even laughed a bit in the car when they were paying attention). Some scenes seemed overly long… and it‘s not quite Cerulean Sea… but I enjoyed it far more than any novel I‘ve ever read involving robots.

SpeculativeFemale This is on my book wish list, for sure! I've heard such great things! 9mo
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How many of you read more than one book at the same time. These are the books Im currently reading

RamsFan1963 I have Abarat on my TBR shelves but I had to bail on In The Lives of Puppets. I found the audiobook just too cutesy for my tastes. 9mo
ShawnYLibros Im reading it physically so maybe that will be better. I dont really listen to audio books I almost always read my books physically 9mo
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Read during #Rushathon

Nothing will surpass my love for The House in the Cerulean Sea, followed by Under the Whispering Door but I still really loved this book. Klune is able to make me laugh & then hit me in the gut & make me cry in the most wonderful way. I had fun with these characters especially Nurse Ratched & Rambo). I was reading the library e-book but ended up with a coupon & other discounts so I bought the Barnes & Noble edition for ⬇️

DebinHawaii …about $10 (Rambo is on the cover under the jacket 💚) deeming it worthy of adding to my Klune favorites. A good sci-fi/cozy fantasy, high lifting love, grief, found family & what it means to be human. 9mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 9mo
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I don't know how it happened, but I went into this book because of the quirkiest review I saw on here and ended with tears glassing up my eyes and a lump in my throat....over robots!!!! How did T.J. even do that? This book is everything @Leniverse said it would be. That mash up is amazing, hilarious, and exactly on point.

Leniverse Oh, how lovely! 💖 Thank you for letting me know my review led you to a good reading experience. 😊 9mo
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I love to #audiopuzzle & this seems like the perfect booknerd puzzle.

The Book Exchange, 1000 pieces by New York Puzzle Co. (one of my favorite puzzle brands)

JamieArc That‘s one of my fave puzzle companies too. 9mo
wanderinglynn @JamieArc 🙌🏻😀 9mo
Gissy So pretty😍 9mo
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Bklover Beautiful!! 9mo
anetee Gorgeous 😍 9mo
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So glad to get out of the house today for #nationalbookfestival and to hear so many incredible authors discuss their process and be so open and vulnerable, sharing stories from their lives

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Coupla books that I DNF. they weren‘t necessarily bad, but both felt kinda young and maybe a bit silly for my mood at the time. Kate in Waiting is your “typical” high school romance and In the Lives of Puppets is exactly what you‘d expect from these past TJ Klune books (but worse), a slow burn romance/self discovery journey with kinda childish characters. I probably won‘t return to either 🤷🏽‍♀️

RamsFan1963 I bailed on In The Lives of Puppets also, I didn't think it was nearly as good as Cerulean Sea or Whispering Door. 10mo
Nalbuque @RamsFan1963 agreed! It was a promising premise, but it just moved kinda slow and I thought everyone in it was kinda dumb and annoying…I got to like 35% and jumped ship 10mo
RamsFan1963 @Nalbuque I did the audiobook too and found the voices so annoying, especially Rambo. That voice made me cringe! 10mo
TheLudicReader Bailing is legit. I do it way more now than I used to. 10mo
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My second square done. This one was an easy read “not a debut” is a fairly easy book to grab #bookspin #doublespinbingo #bookspinbingo this was such an interesting book!

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 10mo
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I'm surprised and sad that I bailed on this one, but it really wasn't clicking for me. I think part of the problem is the audio. I found the companions, who were supposed (I think) to be charming, mostly irritating. Maybe I'd like the companions better if I narrated them myself? I've put the text on hold at the library, right now the wait is 6 weeks so we'll see how round two goes in a month or so.

RamsFan1963 I bailed for the same reasons. I found the voices, especially Rambo, very annoying. 10mo
Tea_and_Starstuff @RamsFan1963 - yes! Rambo was the one I had the most trouble with. 10mo
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#unpopularopinion I enjoyed the other two Klune books I've read, but this one just isn't doing it for me. I find it too cute. Maybe going audio on this one was a mistake, I found the voices, especially Rambo, very annoying. I'll let the next person waiting for it on Libby have it. Maybe I'll try again later in print.

Traci1 Oh that's disappointing. I've got it on my kindle, but I've thought about borrowing the audio. Maybe I'll just go with what I've got instead. Cutesy narration isn't really my thing. 10mo
Sweetkokoro I‘ve seen a lot of mixed reviews about this one in particular by Klune. I think I‘ll lower my expectations when I go into it. 10mo
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This book was promoted as a Pinocchio retelling, but it's actually a humorous yet thoughtful Frankenstein/Pinocchio/Terminator mashup with a Carebears core. If this book was a movie it would be made by Pixar. But rated PG12 or thereabouts due to bawdy jokes and discussions about bodily functions, sexuality, murder, and genocide.
Somehow I really enjoyed it.

CBee I‘ve yet to read this but LOVE your description 👏🏻 10mo
TrishB I have on pile and love this review 😁 10mo
Reggie How can I not stack after that description. I was all about the terminator and the carebears when I was younger lol. 10mo
Leniverse @Reggie The House by the Cerulean Sea was very My Little Pony (the power of friendship). This one is too, but it's definitely more Carebears, "the most important thing is to care" - heart signals and all. I haven't read Klune's other books yet, but I'm rather hoping to find the A-Team or Thundercats next ? 10mo
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A struggle to balance a lot of plot and a lot of thought. I love Klune's endearing character work, with relatable rep, especially asexuality. Loved the themes examining free will, creativity, memory, guilt: role of love, (the heart) in each, and the interplay of robots and humans as mirrors for each other. Not quite what I wanted, and based on the Acknowledgements, maybe not quite the book the author wanted? 🤷🏼‍♂️

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I have pushed this back twice on my Libby holds, because I was listening to something else when it became available. Finally, I am starting it today. I'm excited but also a little nervous, worried that it won't be as good as the other two books (Cerulean Sea & Whispering Door) I've read by the author. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best. 🤞🤞

Jari-chan I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did 🤞🤞 10mo
ju.ca.no I‘m not surw if it is as good as the other books but I did enjoy it a lot and hope you will too🥰 10mo
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Prairiegirl_reading Agreed! 💜💜 10mo
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Klune is simply the master of cozy fantasy. I fell in love with his writing with "The House in the Cerulean Sea", quickly tore through all his books, and was equally enamored with this retelling of Pinocchio. This found family will welcome the reader with open arms. I loved every character, but my heart truly belongs to Rambo, and I think other readers will gravitate to him as well. You'll want to run away with them as well!

AmyG Cozy fantasy….is that an actual genre? I love his books and that‘s perfect. 11mo
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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC!
I went into this book with high expectations. I was ready for my heart to burst with love & warmth. Unfortunately, that isn't what happened. Klune can write a vivid story, but in this case, it was just not for me. The constant mention of sex & human anatomy was too over the top for me and turned me off to the story pretty early on.

DNF at 68%

RebeccaRoo7 This is disappointing, especially since I loved The House in the Cerulean Sea. I thought that novel was so well done. 11mo
The.Great.Catsby @RebeccaRoo7 I do still think it is worth giving it a go if you are interested. I know I tend to be a little more sensitive to some stuff. 11mo
RebeccaRoo7 @The.Great.Catsby I'll keep it on my list just in case!! Thank you! 11mo
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Not as amazing as the other books by this author that I read but still a 5 star read. This author is easily an automatic read for me. So heartwarming and I can feel the emotions of these non human characters. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I think this is another soft pick. This just wasn‘t as much of a favorite as his other 2 cozy books, and I can‘t really figure out why. I do think the pacing was all over the place, and I wasn‘t really into the romance in this one. Maybe I‘m just not into sentimentality right now, which this book was full of. Or maybe I‘m reading too much about robots and AI and humanity right now and need a break. I‘d still recommend this one, though. 3.5/5⭐️

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My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:




What do you do when you so desperately want to enjoy and finish a book, but you are struggling to make it happen? I LOVED Cerulean and Whispering Door.
I'm over half way through this (chapter 17) and I'm simply not enjoying it. There are so many stellar reviews... is there something coming up that will turn this around for me or is it better to just move on?

BookmarkTavern I found it to be pretty average all the way through. But I also feel my expectations maybe were unfairly high after Whispering Door. 11mo
The.Great.Catsby @ozma.of.oz I think that's my problem. I went into it thinking it was going to be just as amazing. 11mo
Tea_and_Starstuff I'm reading this right now and really struggling too! I'm just sort of...bored, and not finding the characters charming. Considering DNFing (on chapter 6) 11mo
The.Great.Catsby @Tea_and_Starstuff okay, I'm glad it's not just me. I agree about not finding charming characters. I still think about Talia from Cerulean. But none of these characters are endearing to me. 11mo
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This was truly painful to sit through. Pinocchio (meets Frankenstein meets Wizard of Oz?) with a weird sex club bend toward the end and cringey humor throughout. There‘s also very little conflict. It‘s more of an emotional journey but personally, it was exceptionally boring (or embarrassing).

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Charming, hopeful, cozy fantasy. Just what you would expect from this author. Loved it. He says in the acknowledgments that this was not the book he wanted it to be. That the book he wanted to write the world was not ready for. I would love to read that book also. 4 🌟 #52bookclub23 # startswithI @LauraReads @KarenUK @britt_brooke @CarolynM @Smarkies @LeeRHarry @Clwojick @BookBelle84 @jennifer80 @Librarybelle @triplem80 @Read4life @Bluebird @

Librarybelle On my to read list! 11mo
TheIntrovertedDodoBird @rmaclean4 I'm so curious about the book he originally intended to write! I just want some clues! Loved this one so much! 11mo
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