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The Ruins
The Ruins | Scott Smith
In Cancun, Mexico, for a peaceful vacation, a group of tourists sets off in search of one of their group who disappeared during an excursion to some nearby Mayan ruins, only to come face to face with an insidious evil that threatens their very lives. By the author of A Simple Plan. Reprint.
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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This novel reminded me of Stephen King's short story, "The Raft." Smith does a great job conveying tension and peril, along with what being in these conditions brings out in people (spoiler: it's mostly negative). Not all of the characters are distinct personalities. The two main guys and the two main women seem interchangeable, and I kept mixing them up. Matthias is an individual, and perhaps the only likeable character in the novel.

ImperfectCJ Photo: The Golden Canyon trail going toward Red Cathedral, Death Valley National Park. 2mo
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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This is late, but I‘m doing it anyway! 😁
1. Tagged book. I couldn‘t put it down and I‘m still thinking about it.
2. Either Fourth Wing (🤞 I don‘t have a great track record with wildly popular books 😬) or Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver.

TheSpineView Never too late to play! 👍🤩📚 4mo
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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I had heard repeatedly that this was a genuinely creepy book, and they were right! I had trouble putting this down. I got annoyed with some of the foolish choices of the characters, but who in the hell could be expected to fully understand what they were up against? Very gripping horror story!

Reggie I still think about the character who wants to be a doctor and comes to the face the fact that he can‘t save people no matter how much he wants to. 4mo
AmyG Have you read A Simple Plan? His previous book? Wonderful…I loved it. 4mo
CindyMyLifeIsLit @Reggie He‘s not even the last man standing! I‘m still thinking about this book. It was every bit as good as everyone said it was! 4mo
CindyMyLifeIsLit @AmyG No, I haven‘t heard of it, but I‘m definitely going to get it now! Thanks! 😊 4mo
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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This was a great read. Super creepy and atmospheric, with a good amount of gore and psychological horror. I didn't know too much going into it, so the villain in the story wasn't what I was expecting. It really worked though. #SummerHorrorReads

vivastory I love Scott Smith. Really wish he'd publish more. 12mo
CSeydel I remember reading this - so creepy! 12mo
DinoMom I loved this book and it still creeps me out just thinking about it and I read it years ago. 12mo
she.hearts.horror I need to finish this! 12mo
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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This is exactly the atmospheric horror with creature feature vibes you want. The characters are good (the girls were a bit blah) but you didn‘t want anyone to die. Imagery is on point. As King‘s blurb reads, it is definitely one of the best horror novels of the century.
#theruins #scottsmith #creaturealmostfeature

The Ruins | Scott Smith
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I thought this would be a creature feature. (Only half way through)

The Ruins | Scott Smith
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Pet Sematary

Klou Brilliant! 2y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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When I think of a book that truly scared me, “The Ruins” always rises to the top of the list. Maybe because I was reading this when I was also a young tourist (in Greece, though, not Mexico). Smith‘s writing is so well-paced, and his characters convincing. The monster here may be otherworldly, but the true horror is how quickly we can lose our humanity in desperate situations. #scarathlondailyprompts #scared #teamslaughter

The Ruins | Scott Smith
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I love October- scary movies and scary books 👻 I am re-reading on of my favorites! The atmosphere in this book is fantastic!

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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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Great book! The straightforward story was horrific enough then add into the human and psychological element and it made it a very intense read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Twainy This book creeped me out! 2y
bookaholic1 I really enjoyed this one 2y
ShelleyBooksie Is this one gory or just spooky? 2y
TamTracy @ShelleyBooksie It did have some gore but was more creepy atmosphere than gore. 2y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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I love the plot of this book, any kind of horror involving plants/nature is awesome to me. That being said, I hated all the characters in this book. I cared nothing about any of them and there was a few parts in this book that were weirdly sexual and it just seemed so ridiculous. Trapped at gun point, starvation, self mutilation, amputation, stress, fear, death but yeah you got the headspace to entertain the idea of sex 🙄

The Ruins | Scott Smith
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Chile Relleno and diving back into my TBR shelf

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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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If a person speaks a different language than your native tongue & they muster the full capacity of their English lexicon to give you a warning, “that place bad”…
If your taxi cab driver waives his fare and is willing to take you some place other than “that bad place” for free…
If none of the people in the tiny obscure village will look in your direction when you stumble into their locale & they assign a lookout to see where you go from there…

Nute If the dog that you nicknamed Creepy starts barking ferociously when your big toe lands on the other side of the very hidden away path in the middle of the sweltering hot jungle…
If there are no other people detected for miles around going remotely in the same direction as you with the same destination in mind…
Nute If you were just having the time of your life sunbathing on the beach, snorkeling in the shallows of a blue lagoon, frolicking in the waves, drinking Mai Tai‘s in the shade and the trade-off is miserable heat, rivulets of sweat soaking your clothes, and mosquito bites…
If you will have to pitch your tent on an old sacred burial site that no one wants to talk about…
(edited) 2y
Nute If you and your buddies have no dope skills in dealing with creeping, crawling, slithering and wriggling things in the dark of a jungle night...

Why go?

Aren‘t your spidey-senses on hyper alert?
Isn‘t the robot screaming “Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!”⚠️ ☢️ ☣️

Come on now. Let‘s go back home, put on comfy pjs and watch a scary movie about young adults stuck in the bowels of a creepy jungle! Real life experiences are overrated!😳👇🏽
(edited) 2y
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Nute I spent a lot of time being upset while reading this book. So mad that they continued on when the whole world was throwing signs left and right saying DON‘T. And yet they did. So mad that not one of them said Let‘s go back. So mad that I knew soon there would be a body count. But a friend said “Stick with it.” 👇🏽 2y
Nute Well, Reggie was right, it was worth the read for the skilled handling of character studies and the insightful depiction of personality types. Who are we in the midst of storms? What is our value when our supposed skills and talents can‘t be manifested?
Thanks for the encouragement @reggie 🤗
(edited) 2y
DaveGreen7777 This could be one of the best reviews I‘ve ever read! Bravo, @Nute 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 2y
night_shift Ok, I really want to read the book now! The movie had me holler at the screen at the dummies who had SO many warnings to turn back but just kept going 😭🤦 2y
EvieBee So funny! Love it! 2y
DinoMom This was a great creepy read! 2y
Bookzombie I‘m planning to reread this one next year. My review will just be “See @Nute ‘s review!” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙂 2y
Reggie “Who are we in the midst of storms? What is our value when our supposed skills and talents can‘t be manifested?” That is so brilliant. I‘m glad you stuck with it. And what a review!!! 2y
Bigwig One of my favorites. 2y
Trashcanman Hugs to you Kimberley 🤗 2y
Nute @DaveGreen7777 Thank you, Dave! Your kind words are appreciated. They made me smile a lot!😁 2y
Nute @UnidragonFrag Yes! The book will have you feeling the same way, Michelle, as they wade deeper into impending doom, all the time bypassing glaring deterrents and internal sensibilities of preservation.🤦🏽‍♀️ 2y
Nute @EvieBee Thank you, Eve! I‘m still pondering the madness!🤦🏽‍♀️😵‍💫😅 2y
Nute @DinoMom Agree, Sharon! Thank goodness for fellow readers on Litsy helping to steer my reading achievements by literary stars!🙂 2y
Nute @Bookzombie Aww, thank you, Margie! Does rereading mean it has made your favorites list? 2y
Nute @Reggie Thank you, Reggie! You truly were the source of encouragement to soldier on when I thought that this story might too closely resemble that ‘other‘ story. We won‘t linger there!😆 Hooray for readers looking out for each other!🤗 2y
Nute @Bigwig I can see why, Thomas! Now I‘m going to seek out the movie to see how this imagination was captured on film. Have you seen the screen adaptation? I hope that it is more than the gory bits. There was a lot of depth to character development in the book. 2y
Nute @Trashcanman Good Morning, George! It‘s wonderful to start my day off with a warm greeting from you, Friend!💕 2y
Bookzombie @Nute Yes, it‘s a favorite. I have wanted to revisit it for a while. I‘m going to make a concerted effort to revisit some of my favorites next year. 🙂 2y
Bigwig @Nute I did see the film. It certainly had scary visuals and evoked a powerful sense of dread, but in my opinion the book was a richer and more chilling experience. I only wish Scott Smith published more frequently than once a decade. 2y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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I hope that this book is not going to creep me out. I‘m starting to get vibes similar to The Troop and I didn‘t enjoy that grossly disgusting story at all.😳

Reggie It does get pretty gross but the characterization is top notch. Try and stick with it. 3y
Nute @reggie I don‘t know, Reggie, my stomach is already starting to feel that pre-queasy sensation.🤢 3y
bookaholic1 This book is so good, I liked it cause it's a different kind of read 3y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith

This is a hard one for me to review. I enjoyed the plot, premise and setting. I thought it was well-paced and had a few nicely placed suspenseful moments. But I didn't find it scary at all, which was disappointing but not necessarily a deficit of the book- I think i just had different expectations based on reviews I read prior to reading this. But overall I did enjoy the story itself. 3.5 ⭐⭐⭐💫

The Ruins | Scott Smith
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In the mood for some summertime horror! #currentlyreading

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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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#LitsyHumor post 4/4! 😆

tracey38 🤣🤣 3y
JulietReads Hahaha 3y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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I discovered the #horrorseason challenge a bit late. But I figure there‘s nothing wrong with having to watch two movies on some days 😁

The atmosphere reminds of me The Ruins, another story with an adventure-gone-wrong. Both have very claustrophobic, helpless atmosphere and, of course, are heavy on the gore.

#scarathlon #teamslaughter

The Ruins | Scott Smith
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Here are #3books that have been made into movies.

I have mixed feelings about Picnic at Hanging Rock, so I haven‘t attempted a movie version yet. I loved Battle Royale and The Ruins. I liked the movies, but as usual the books are better. Pulling them out for this photo makes me kind of want to reread them.

OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚🎬 4y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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“Maybe there isn‘t a way,” he said. “Maybe all we can do is wait and hope and endure for as long as we‘re able. The food will run out. Our bodies will fail. And the vine will do whatever it‘s going to do.

The Ruins | Scott Smith
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Wow! This was incredible! Turns out fifth times the charm. I can‘t believe I never made it past that 70 page hump where it escalates so much. It just builds and builds and is so clever. I loved it.

The Ruins | Scott Smith
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Honestly, as far as nihilistic horror goes, this was a real page turner. It has its flaw for sure, but@overall pretty solid. Not good enough for a “pick” but enough of a page turner for a “so-so”. Very quick read. Creepy, dark and a bit gruesome.

The Ruins | Scott Smith
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In Scott Smith‘s book, The Ruins, #green vines attack some campers in a Mexican jungle.

#chillingphotochallenge #scarathlon @Clwojick

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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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Carla So. Good. Both book and movie. As a matter of fact, I have been meaning to reread it. Excellent body horror. 5y
BookwormAHN Sounds good to me. I saw the movie years ago and liked it. 5y
bookaholic1 Great book 5y
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Godpants I read about a quarter of this on a trip a couple years ago and it‘s been sitting in my suitcase, and come along on every trip since and been my... I‘ll read this when I finish my other book. Need to just read it for October! 5y
MaleficentBookDragon I attempted to read this a long time ago. Without giving too much away, this book had major triggers for me so I'll pass on this one. Just skip me in the rotation on this one. The movie grossed me out too. 5y
BeansPage @MaleficentBookDragon sweetie I can totally pick something else. Let me see what else I have okay? 5y
BookwormAHN I'm guessing that we are staying in the same rotation as before. I just finished The Devil Crept In and plan to mail it, probably Saturday. 5y
BeansPage @BookwormAHN yes same rotation 5y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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Review video for the week is up!

Check it out here:

bookaholic1 This book I have kept, it was just one I needed to, it's great 5y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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Very very well done and I highly recommend it to those with a strong stomach and a love of horror.

Please read my full review here:

MaleficentBookDragon I tried but, alas, I cannot take skin stuff. 5y
BeansPage @MaleficentBookDragon I KNOW!!! It was so hard to read but I made it through it!!! 🎉🏆🎉 5y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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Okay here's my tentative stack for the weekend. I have already finished Isla Emerged so I will be removing that one from my final stats. I'm hoping to finish a couple more before the read-a-thon begins. But we will see! 😃

#24B4Monday @Andrew65 @jb72

Andrew65 You‘ve done well, I do not know one of those books. 😂 5y
BeansPage @Andrew65 Close to Shore is the original story of what really happened to inspire the novel Jaws. The Ruins and The Rules of Swimming are books that I picked up from a used book shop. I thought they would be perfect for the Summer challenge since one is about vacationing and the other is about swimming. All of the rest of them are ARCs from authors or publishing houses. 😊 I've been very busy lately. 5y
Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid I‘ve noticed. 5y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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This started out a touch slow for me but once it got going it didn't stop! A group of friends vacationing in Mexico decide to accompany a fellow traveler to look for his brother at an archaeological site. As soon as they get there things go downhill and every attempt to get out just escalates things. Lots of survival and #bodyhorror 😳😲😱

Reggie I felt so bad for the guy who wanted to be a doctor who wanted to save them but just couldn‘t. 5y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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I really enjoyed this one. I saw it years ago as a movie first and remember loving the movie. I'm not sure it I found it all that terrifying but I liked the suspense of not knowing what was going to happen next.

The Ruins | Scott Smith

Okay, the evil plant book I read earlier this year doesn't have a lot to do with the communication-focused Loud As A Whisper, but, counterpoint, the plants whisper a lot because they are Evil. (They also graduate to screaming fairly quickly. But every evil plant has to start somewhere!)

The Ruins | Scott Smith
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Lovely morning, iced coffee, and #HPB sale - my long weekend is off to a pretty good start!

The Ruins | Scott Smith
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Book 43 woot woot this one I chose to read because of the Stephen King quote lol I haven‘t seen the movie but maybe I will after I read this 🤓

Caffeinated_Reader Update: I‘m on page 104. I‘ve definitely seen this movie 😰🥺🤭 oh dear... 5y
Caffeinated_Reader Oh wooooow. That ended differently than the movie but still pretty brutally epically done. This was unputdownable eerie as fuck! Very graphic and bloody and everything you want a horror story to be! 5y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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I found the pace slow, the plot predictable, and in the end a waste of time. I skipped many pages and it didn't even matter.

The Ruins | Scott Smith
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This was a book that my library recommended in my personalized reading list. I liked what the ancient horror is and its abilities. Would‘ve liked to learn more about how it came into being.

The most frightening part is there are real life people that are as idiotic as 4 of the 6.
I do think there are a few plot holes, so a 3/5 stars for me. #horror #idiotas

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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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A decent enough horror novel that was way better than the films. It‘s hard to be frightened of a killer vine but the author did a good job building suspense and psychological threats. The book doesn‘t really do anything new but it is competent with the way it rolls over different tropes. The movie is absolute garbage though.

The Ruins | Scott Smith
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1) Science Fiction/Dystopia
2) Cormac McCarthy
3) The Road
4) Romance
5) Tagged. It‘s good enough, very suspenseful.
#HelloThursday @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 📚 5y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith

I give this book 5/5 Evil Hat Placements.

khooliha Poor Mathias, you didn't deserve any of this. 5y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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Honestly, the fact that it takes less than a hundred pages to go from "These plants? Why, they're only barely sinister and not a problem!" to "Oh, a whole hill of plants is mocking me with plant laughter." rules and rules hard.

The Ruins | Scott Smith

Nearly 200 pages in and the plants have only been vaguely sinister so far. The real horror? Failing to pack appropriately for a tropical hike!
(I am enjoying the book. I also muttered "Oh no" to myself when these fools barely brought any water.)

The Ruins | Scott Smith

Next up: PLANTS 🌿🌴🌿
(Did I select it because its mass market paperback nature makes it easy to carry to work while I am having to shuttle in? Only the plants know!)

The Ruins | Scott Smith
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“It waits till we‘re weak before it reveals its strength.”

Busha1984 I need to read this! Did you see the movie? 5y
BilboBookends @Busha1984 I didn‘t! 5y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith

This book is wonderful. I don‘t know what people are talking about here who call this a B-list guilty pleasure or what not. The characters are amazingly distinct and their decisions make sense in the context of how they were brought up and who they are. It is tragic, brutal: both a compelling and literary existential horror story. I love this book. Don‘t let genre snobbery get the better of you.

Reggie Every time I think of this book, I think of the kid who wants to be a doctor and how he‘s so frustrated he cannot save them. 6y
Michael_Gee @Reggie Yes! Impotently planning ways to survive, even when he knows it is most likely hopeless. 6y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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I tried to read this book but I was so creeped out that I had to bail. For those who are less squeamish about such things, grab this #GoodreadsDailyDeal for #Kindle

Literary_Siren I‘m pretty sure this is a movie. I liked the movie so I picked this book up this morning. 6y
BeansPage This was a movie and I personally thought it was hilarious but I'm a horror person 😂🤣😂🤣😂 been wanting to read the book 6y
Reagan This book is great (if you like the squeamish things). The movie was good, decent adaptation. 6y
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MaleficentBookDragon @TheReadingMermaid I can handle movies much more than books. I thought the movie was kind if dumb. But I really like bad horror movies. 6y
BeansPage Haha me too! B-rate horror movies are the best 6y
MaleficentBookDragon @TheReadingMermaid I agree. I loved them way before the Sharknado craze. I ♥♥♥ bad SyFy channel creature/horror movies. 6y
BeansPage OMG SyFy is my fav 🖤🖤🖤 6y
Avanders I listened to this audio way back when it was brand new... it's only one of the reasons that the thought of plants growing in between walls beyond-creeps-me-out (.... this came up in the the context of my job recently 😨🤢😶) (edited) 6y
MaleficentBookDragon @Avanders I am also super creeped out by anything that has to do with skin or parasites, so this is a double whammy for me. I'm itchy just thinking about it. 6y
Avanders Oh yeah! It was so long ago, I barely remember 😁 6y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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I spent the first part of this story being (mildly) annoyed that I couldn't really tell the characters apart. But the tense survival atmosphere was fantastically written, especially since you already could tell as soon as they're stranded that it isn't going to end well for anybody.

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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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My 3.5 year old has a pretty extreme speech delay and just recently started actively speaking and listening. He was pretty curious when I put my book among leave and when I explained I was trying to find a good picture because the book is about crazy plants, he wanted to help with a "gool" (cool) picture for the "gook". ?. So I give you Luca's handpicked cool picture spot.

britt_brooke 💚💚💚 6y
BookishTrish 💚💚💚 6y
BookishTrish My son had speech delays too. Every word is precious. 6y
parasolofdoom @BookishTrish we've had such an explosion in speech this summer! It's still really hard to understand him but be tries really hard now. My younger child actually also has a speech delay but can at least communicate yes and no and at least a couple dozen other words. Luca was one I was seriously concerned about leading a normal life, it was so bad so I'm thrilled at things like this now 6y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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Tonight's read

akckitty Oooh I like this one a lot! :) 6y
BookishTrish I really got into this book 📚 6y
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The Ruins | Scott Smith
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There‘s a spot in my alley that always makes me think of the tagged book and smile #theplantsarewinning

AmyG Ha...yes! 6y
Reggie That book was not what I thought it was gonna be.... have you seen the movie? 6y
BookishTrish @Reggie No! Is it good? 6y
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Reggie The ending is different. I liked the book better. Plus, I really felt the book was almost a character study of those kids. Skip the movie, lol. 6y
BookishTrish @Reggie I watched the movie. You were 💯 right. 4y
Reggie @BookishTrish I was mad cause now in that world the rest of us are dead because she took the spores out. Lol 4y
BookishTrish It was a terrible ending. So bad. And we were supposed to feel relieved that she made it. 🙄 @Reggie 4y
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