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Not Today Muriel!
Not Today Muriel!: The Funny Side of Self-Talk | Daisy Cole
3 posts | 1 read | 1 to read
Have you ever seen a fish perform a tango? A giraffe play the piano or a seal doing the weekly grocery shop?
NO! Not surprisingly nor have I!
Have you ever experienced negative feelings? Ever been down on yourself and just can't seem to get past the nasty things you tell yourself? Ever found yourself saying truly horrible things to yourself? And believing the lies?
YES! Me too!
Ever been told that you just need to be 'more positive'; 'just change your thinking' and 'choose to be happy'?
YES! Me too!
Are you tired of being so serious? Do you miss being able to laugh at yourself and with others? Are you over being mean to yourself?
We all have those well meaning people in our lives, bursting with affirmations and simple solutions, sometimes that person is us, telling ourselves to just do this or just do that and happiness will come. However, if life were that simple then we would all have seen a fish tango, a giraffe play the piano and stood next to a seal at the checkout.
Are you ready to laugh again, ready to shift your inner dialogue from being a critic to being your partner and kick butt in this crazy thing we call life?
YES! Then come along with me as I take you on a journey and teach you how to embrace your inner dialogue using tried and tested self-care methods to help quiet negative self-talk.
Together we will discover:
the secret to why we self-sabotage
how to stop being “a grump” and rediscover your humor
the key to trading your negative self-talk with limitless opportunity
how to understand your inner voice
the ability to see challenges in new ways
how to fight off potential stress and become more compassionate with yourself
ways to become better at problem-solving
how to take power from negative self-talk and make it work for you
The time is now to trade away that nasty negative dialogue and embrace the joy of laughter!
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This book suggested naming our negative self-talk/inner-dialogue. I‘ve decided to name mine Ethel Merman.

Image via MuppetWiki

TheBookHippie This is brilliant. 10mo
Kerrbearlib @TheBookHippie thank you! 10mo
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Hilarious so far!

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Read this delightful little book in one sitting this afternoon - if you need a little joy and encouragement in your life this definitely isn't the usual self-help fare!

#amreading #SummerReads #bookish

Kerrbearlib This looks fun! 10mo
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