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Joined April 2016

Genderqueer bisexual who loves comics, queer history, and fiber arts. Lives amongst piles of yarn and books. neutral pronouns pls
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Jonny Appleseed by Joshua Whitehead
Jonny Appleseed | Joshua Whitehead
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Starting off my morning with a queer read, this one by queer Native writer Joshua Whitehead. It is also SNOWY outside. V rude, NYS.

What queer books are you reading right now? What books by authors of color are you reading right now?

SkeletonKey Quite sad that our library doesn‘t have this 😢 5y
queerbookreader @SkeletonKey Mine has this one but not his first book 😭 5y
SkeletonKey I requested that they purchase it so...fingers crossed, haha. 5y
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Hello friends!! It's been a crazy three weeks! I'm finally getting the hang of my work at the library! Picking this book back up today after having to put a pause on my reading. What have you all been up to??

SkeletonKey Congrats on your job!! From one library worker bee to another, you‘re going to love it. 😆 5y
SkeletonKey Congrats on your job!! From one library worker bee to another, you‘re going to love it. 😆 5y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Haven't posted lately but I have been reading!! Just haven't been online much because I GOT A JOB AT MY LIBRARY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK I'm a clerk and there are a zillion things to remember and today was my second day. After a year of volunteering, it's weird to be at the library and actually get paid to do work.

So that's my news!!!! Yay!!

saguarosally Enjoy the new job! 5y
DivineDiana Fantastic!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
Jas16 Congratulations! 5y
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Victoriahoperose Congrats! That sounds awesome!! 5y
Pamwurtzler Wow congratulations!! 5y
candority Yay! Congratulations! 📚💕 5y
silentrequiem Congratulations!!! 5y
mhillis Congrats!!! That‘s great news!! 5y
8little_paws Now that's an awesome job! 5y
LauraJ Well done 👍🏼 5y
TurtleLibrarian Congrats! You'll see the best, the worst, and the weirdest of humanity. (Sometimes all at once). 5y
Reggie I‘m so happy for you!!!! Congratulations!!!🎉🎈 5y
RohitSawant Awesome! Congrats! 🎉🎉 5y
Kalalalatja Congratulations! 5y
Librarybelle Congratulations! 5y
AlaMich Yay!!!👏 5y
rabbitprincess Hurray! Congrats! 5y
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American Spy: A Novel | Lauren Wilkinson
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One of the most outstanding graphic novels I've ever read in my entire life. Truly breathtaking.


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Reading and watching the American Rescue Dog Show 🐶😍✨ have a good night, littens!

saguarosally I‘m curious as to what constitutes a disaster capitalist. 5y
queerbookreader @saguarosally from what I've gathered so far it's companies and extremely wealthy people who take advantage of an area & its people after a devastating event. For the sake of profiting off of a disaster and exploiting the economic "opportunities" that might open up for privatization and development that might otherwise have been opposed 5y
queerbookreader @saguarosally in this context it's about a massive post-Maria attempt to completely privatize the utilities and other public institutions of Puerto Rico, and to sell off vast amounts of the island to various businesses and wealthy individuals who seek to both develop Puerto Rico into an island for the super rich to vacation, and to exploit the island's wildly low corporate tax rate. 5y
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Weaponxgirl @saguarosally this is her first book on the topic. Hope it‘s of interest to you 😊 5y
Weaponxgirl This book sounds interesting too 5y
saguarosally @queerbookreader @weaponxgirl Thank you for the insight. I was just thinking that after a disaster people have to go in and clean up, and you have to pay them. This sounds a good bit more pernicious. 5y
Weaponxgirl @saguarosally it‘s a huge subject and @queerbookreader did a good job of explaining it. 5y
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Today's reading 📷

I submitted an application for a part time library clerk job at my local library. Keep your fingers crossed for me, folks 😭

BookishMarginalia 🤞🏼💪🏻🙏🏼 5y
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Food reading is the best kind of reading 😛 what yummy cookbooks have you read recently??

DivineDiana This looks great! 5y
kgriffith You had me right up to the vegan part 😏 5y
queerbookreader @kgriffith 😭😭 I tried being vegan for a year and couldn't jive with it so I'm just vegetarian. But always looking for ways to force myself to not eat so 🧀much 🧀cheese 🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀 5y
Weaponxgirl I have this book too 😊 5y
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Indecency | Justin Phillip Reed
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Happy Friday and happy start to #blackhistorymonth!! Reading a book of poetry by queer black author Justin Phillip Reed to kick off the month ✨

We are still dealing with this polar vortex. It's -1 F out still, not including wind chill. 😭

DivineDiana I hope you can stay inside and read! ❄️📚🏠 5y
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This graphic novel wrecked me, you guys

Cortg This looks good! I just put it on hold at the library! 5y
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Nature Poem | Tommy Pico
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Good morning from inside the polar vortex ❄️⛄️ today I‘m reading a poetry collection by queer indigenous writer Tommy Pico, and trying not to freeze my nips off from all this cold 😭 stay warm, Midwestern littens!!

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Reading a biography today of the first black woman cartoonist 🖋 going bar hopping w parents this afternoon!

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Take Me With You | Andrea Gibson
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Hello from my therapy office 👋🏼 reading a collection of poetry by a non-binary writer.

What poetry have you been reading lately? What's on your tbr? Any coming out this year you're super excited about? 📖

SkeletonKey I must look for this one. 5y
NovelGirl82 I have a few that I haven‘t read yet, but I have To Make Monsters out of Girls in my stack for @24in48 this weekend. (edited) 5y
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Watching the winter x games and reading this part memoir, part graphic novel, part study about the Latinx undocumented immigrant experience. Happy almost Friday, littens 💞

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Embroideries | Marjane Satrapi
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Hi guys. That the Supreme Court upheld his trans military ban has made me feel super ick and barfy. So I'm reading a good graphic novel and trying not to spiral into thinking about how this approval will trigger even more legal trans and genderqueer discrimination & exclusion. 😞

What graphic novel and/or comic are you reading right now? Have any recommendations?

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Mimi28 Trump sucks. Trans rights are human rights. Every human deserves respect. Aliens too. Universal respect!! 👊🏽✊🏽😉 5y
ColleenIsReading I just finished Essex County by Jeff Lemire. Very moving interweaving of ordinary characters and their stories. Plus lots of hockey 🏒 because Canada! 5y
Hooked_on_books I‘m disgusted by the decision as well. I can only hope that there were terrible things that happened in this country in the past which were later turned around, and hopefully that will be the case this time. 5y
Weaponxgirl I‘ve been rereading this in preparation for the movie. 5y
Weaponxgirl It‘s a disgrace of a decision but hopefully with people fighting against this it will change in the future. I‘m so sorry this happened 5y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I just don‘t get it at all. Men can join the military. Women can join the military. Ergo, people can join the military. The ignorance is staggering. I would think anyone wanting to sign up for such a difficult and dangerous job would be welcome and thanked. Idiots. 5y
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The poem in here called "The Rime of Nina Simone" is one of the best poems I've ever read. Honest to god. Highly recommend picking up this collection.

We are prepping for the weekend because that big storm is headed this way! Stay warm to everyone else who's in the same boat ❄️

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Have a good night, darlings 💖

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We Play a Game | Duy Doan
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Happy Sunday, Littens 🌻 going on a yarn hunt for this bag I'm knitting and was dumb enough to not gather all my supplies ~before~ starting. So I'm in a frantic scramble to find extra yarn 😅

Feeld | Jos Charles
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Tonight's agenda includes knitting and reading a book of poetry by a trans writer 💛

Which queer books are on your 2019 TBR?

kgriffith Ugh, so many! I‘ll drop a few: 5y
Elma So many, but the top of my list is to read the rest of The Wayward Children series (I've only read Every Heart a Doorway) and I plan to read Ash for #booked2019. 5y
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Amazing. Fierce. Some serious power stands behind the author's words. The emotion feels raw. Outstanding poetry collection about Chinese American girlhood.

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Off to therapy ?

In the continuing saga of "Claire is incapable of using a real bookmark and instead uses any random scrap of paper they can find", an expired parking pass is my bookmark for today. That's a step up from a tissue like I had to use last week, tho ?

julesG I have a jar full of bookmarks, but what do I use? Exactly, anything but the bookmarks. 5y
Soubhiville I‘m very intrigued by this title... 5y
queerbookreader @Soubhiville From the inside flap, "celebrating Chinese American girlhood in all its confusion, love, and loss" 5y
PerksOfBeingABookworm I recently reread a book and found an old admission ticket to the St. Louis Arch. I‘m pretty sure it was a leftover random “bookmark” that I never threw away. 5y
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Silencer | Marcus Wicker
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Tonight's read ✨

Graineliers, Vol. 1 | Rihito Takarai
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Glad to be ringing in the new year with this manga series about a world where growing rare seeds is illegal, and where a human ingesting magical seeds to gain some of the plant's powers is penalty of death!!

Naturally, the main character eats some unknown magical seeds within the first 20 pages. 🌱

Happy 20biteen, littens!!!!!!

End of Year Report | New Jersey. Workforce New Jersey
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I think I'm ready to call it for the year. Again, my disclaimer here is my numbers are so high because I read a lot of comics and don't work, so don't compare my reading number to yours! You did great!!!!! I'm proud of all you guys!!!

So happy almost new year everyone, I am looking forward to moving on from 2018 😅 can't wait for a new year of queer books, queer writers, and works by authors & artists of color. Much love 💛💛💛

gradcat This is awesome 👏🏻! 5y
mrsmarch I‘m having trouble finding this page of my stats. Where did you click to make it show up? 5y
queerbookreader @mrsmarch go to goodreads on desktop, it was at the top of my page there 5y
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JoScho 🥳💜🥳💜🥳 5y
readordierachel 🎉🎉🎉 5y
Reggie Happy New Year!!! You and a couple of other people on here have opened up the world of comics and graphic novels for me so thanks, Claire. 5y
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The End of Summer | Tillie Walden
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Current read ✨ have any of you read this one yet?? It's her debut graphic novel, before Spinning. Gosh Tillie Walden makes great comics

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Lethal White | Robert Galbraith
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Managed to sneak a photo of my dad reading Lethal White 😝 We drove out to the sticks to a teeny library branch so he could finally get his paws on a copy. I think he's enjoying it but I wouldn't know because he's too busy reading to talk hahaha

gradcat Your dad is very nice looking! 😊😊 5y
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Good morning from under my new heated fuzzy blanket mom got me for Xmas 😭😭😭😭 reading all the manga and catching up on some graphic novels today. What graphic novels or comics are you reading right now? ❄️

Cinfhen Love heated blankets 💟 5y
gradcat The only graphic novel I‘ve ever read is the tagged one. Isn‘t that pathetic?! 5y
queerbookreader @gradcat Not at all!! That's a great one to read! 5y
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Cells at Work!, Volume 1 | Akane Shimizu
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This manga series looks so cute 😭 remember the movie Osmosis Jones? This series is all about the body's internal cells and functions! The characters on this first volume are red and white blood cells!

Lindy Looks like these would be good companions for 5y
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Graphic novel, comic, & manga haul from the library today to tide me through to the new year ✨

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Thanks for all the well wishes ✨ just finished library volunteering and now ready to read the hell out of BOOM! Box's latest comic novelization, The Backstagers and the Ghost Light. I love these boys so much it hurts 😭😭😭😭

dylanisreading I love them too! 5y
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Hi guys. I've been sick since Saturday 😭😭😭 hope you all have managed to stay unsick! Here's this big anthology of a bunch of Christmas mystery stories I found at a thrift store last year. I read my first Agatha Christie story in this book last December! 🎄

ephemeralwaltz Hope you're feeling better soon!! :( Xx 5y
DivineDiana Sorry that you haven‘t been feeling well, but this looks like a fantastic book to keep you company! 5y
readordierachel Bummer. Feel better, and enjoy the book! 5y
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LeahBergen That‘s a great thrifting find! 👍🏻 Feel better soon. ❤️ 5y
Jas16 Get well soon 5y
TheLibrarian Hope you feel better soon. 5y
RohitSawant Hope you feel better soon! 5y
Reggie Hope you feel better!! 5y
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ALERT THIS IS NOT A DRILL: Roxane Gay is coming out with a new graphic novel!!!!!

From her Twitter:

"My next comic is called The Banks, three generations of black women who are master thieves in Chicago. Their mantra: steal smart, right a wrong."

Link to website for preorder:



TheKidUpstairs Sounds amazeballs! 5y
RaimeyGallant Nice! 5y
riversong153 I‘m ready 5y
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riversong153 @Chelleo have you seen this?? ☝🏾 5y
jmofo 💜👏 5y
Chelleo 😳👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 thanks @riversong153 for the tag 5y
RealLifeReading Yessss! 5y
Sue Can‘t wait! 5y
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Ikkkkkk I'm super late to the party with this one but HOLY COW IT'S AMAZING

GO PICK THIS COMIC UP IF YOU HAVEN'T YET America Chavez is a queer Latina superhero and she punches stuff really really hard and she's bffs with Kate Bishop and the writer is Gabby Rivera, also queer Latinx, who's the author of the wildly popular book . 💜💜💜💜💜💜

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Graphic novel that tells the story of a trans woman going through her first year of transitioning. It's kind of a Trans 101 for cis audiences, shown through the character's perspective to empathize and humanize trans & gnc people's experiences, thoughts, and fears. I liked it!

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Rice Boy | Evan Dahm
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This graphic novel was one of those "picked up without knowing anything about it" picks, this time because ik the publisher Iron Circus Comics is a great indie comics publisher and the person who runs it is devastating on Twitter ??? there are a couple libraries in my county that are super good about getting indie comics and the big downtown one I went to this morning is one of them god bless

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People Knitting: A Century of Photographs | Barbara Levine, Paige Ramey
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Two weeks ago I posted about my progress at finally getting my library book count down to 3 aaaaaand I ruined that this morning after a trip to the big library downtown. Comic haul 😍😍😍

Lindy I immediately went to my library‘s online catalog and requested a copy of People Knitting. 👍 5y
queerbookreader @Lindy it's actually the only non comic in the pile, it's a photo book! The subtitle is "a century of photographs" I'm ready to see some vintage knitters 5y
valeriegeary Oops! 😂 5y
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Queer Brown Voices: Personal Narratives of Latina/o LGBT Activism | Uriel Quesada, Letitia Gomez, Salvador Vidal-Ortiz
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Current read. Collection of writings by 14 Latinx queer activists that chronicles the history of LGBT+ Latinx activism from the 70s-90s. Key points emphasized so far include the need to abolish the invisibility caused by the binary black/white racial narrative so common in US activism, and the need to create queer Latina/o spaces due to exclusion from mainstream Latinx circles & white gay circles.

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This is such a beautiful cookbook 😭

LeahBergen Ohhh, this looks wonderful. 5y
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There would be an unsolved murder if any dude did that to my books 😒


Riveted_Reader_Melissa OMG! No!!!! He‘d be so dead! Dumped! 5y
readordierachel 😱😱😱 5y
julesG I bet Momoa is glad he wasn't stationed on Antarctica. 👿 5y
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queerbookreader @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @readordierachel @julesG He is dead to me now but the positive bit of this article is that Amber Heard is bookish!! She loves to read!! How exciting 5y
julesG @queerbookreader What I didn't like about the article, talking Heard down. The bit about The Goldfinch being pedestrian to the author of the article but probably the kind of books Heard reads. It does not matter what she reads, she reads. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @julesG Funny, I thought of that story immediately too! 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @queerbookreader I was thinking he better be replacing those books! Destruction of private property!! Really, what if someone went and smashed his phone because he wasn‘t paying attention to them, same thing. (edited) 5y
AWahle I always thought he was a bit of a "bro" but this confirms it. Respect me, respect my books. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @AWahle Yes! Respect other people‘s stuff. 5y
Owlizabeth A friend shared this with me yesterday and I almost passed out with sympathetic rage. 5y
Susannah Because he wanted attention? What a douche. 5y
Soubhiville @Susannah perfect description- total douche. I‘d fight him over this. 5y
Bookzombie Agree @Susannah What a douche! #thankyounext 5y
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Underwhelmed. Idk. OGNs are supposed to have longer in-depth narratives, but this story seems shorter and simpler than story arcs in the series--how is that possible?? And I can't tell if the writing is underwhelming or if it's how the letterer presented it; things are exciting!!!! Loud!! Fun!! In the comic, but this was lots of statements with periods. Bland art. Maybe this book is a whole different mood on purpose?


queerbookreader Recommendation: try it and see how you like it. This OGN is presented a lot differently than the comic series. You might like it, you might not. Lumberjanes is a queer comic that is Boom! BOX's best selling series and shatters the treatment of queer content as being Adult, NSFW, inappropriate, etc because it is truly for all ages. I will always love & support Lumberjanes for the path it has paved (even if I'm not a big fan of this storyline 😉) 5y
mcipher Molly and Mal are so so cute together! You can‘t go wrong with Lumberjanes even when they‘re not the best story. 5y
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Been hype about this for months and had this on hold for weeks and.......it's so teeny? I'm a little underwhelmed? The book itself is super small and super thin and the last fifth of the book is just a reprint of issue 1 and....ya. I'm gonna read it and I'm gonna try really hard to love it but those are my initial thoughts--did anyone else think this too?

Also, just got a BUNCH of new followers outta nowhere 👀 idk why but hey folks 👋🏼

BethM This series is underwhelming. I didn't go past one. Seemed like a regurgitation of a Girl Scout series I read as a kid. I also got a bunch of new followers today too 🤷‍♀️ 5y
8little_paws Litsy revamped their suggested people to follow metrics! That's why the new followers 5y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Would like to share w everyone that I only have three entire books out of the library!! This is a big deal for the person who, earlier this year, had 138 checked out at one time 😭😭

Smangela 138 is incredibly impressive. My crazy stat is that I had The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood renewed 20 times and had to go in to the circulation desk to have them check it in and check it back out for me. EMBARRASSING. 😂😂😂 6y
queerbookreader @Smangela HAHAHAHA THATS HILARIOUS!! we don't have any check out limits at my county system but we're only allowed to renew something three times and then have to cough it up back to them 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Wow! Good for you! And holy cow 138!!! 6y
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Smangela @queerbookreader I was like “I promise, I‘ll read this RIGHT NOW.” 😂😂 6y
queerbookreader @Smangela my library once in a while forgets to scan something back in and I'd have to have them check my account and delete the overdue fine and sometimes I would get a "WOW that's a lot" I would be like "s2g i'm gonna read them all pls stop judging me" 6y
queerbookreader @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Ya!! No limits on books but there's a 10 item limit for media items 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @queerbookreader I‘m impressed, we have a much much lower limit. 6y
DivineDiana Cheers to your self control! 👏🏻📚👏🏻 6y
Caterina My library has a limit of 25 and only one renewal... And no cheating by checking it in and back out at the desk... The agony 6y
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Stunning photo book by and about, and I quote, "masculine dykes" who ID as butch. It's mostly photos; I wish there were more interviews, but for what it has, I'm totally happy. There's still a strong strong stereotype about who and what butches are, so the author wanted to highlight some of those who are butch so they could show what being butch means to them. Even featured some butch trans dykes which makes me thrilled ??

Bibliogeekery Sounds great! #queerbooks 6y
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BethM YaaSssssss 6y
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The Right Stuff | Tom Wolfe
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Back at grandparents for thxgiving. Her stack of current reads ✨ happy thanksgiving folks: remember the origin of this holiday, teach your kids the truth about it, and I hope you all enjoyed your turkeys 🦃 (related, did any vegetarian or vegan try Trader Joe's new meatless turkey roast??? It was so good 😭)

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I can't figure out the intended audience. The 1st part seems like a "queer identities 101" for cis folks, but then the 2nd part is a "how to relationship" guide that is super general. And then the last part is "coming out 101" and seems more directed towards queer folks! I'm confused!!!

The identities covered include trans, nonbinary, and asexuality (not complaining, but also very confused. Why is asexuality mushed in w gender ID?) ⬇️

queerbookreader I think it includes asexuality, which is a sexual orientation, in a book that is mainly about gender identity because it is a queer identity--which is part of the title, lmao--and also is rarely given attention or respect & is super misunderstood. However, it got so in depth for an entire chapter about asexual identities but lumped trans & non-binary identities together into 1 chapter that I think it could've done better in a separate book 6y
queerbookreader And I guess in a book that is mostly about gender identity, i would expect more in depth info about non-binary identities. I got one (1) example of a non-binary identity in the enby section of the identity chapter, but at least 6 examples of ace identity in the asexuality chapter, and I guess.......gender identity could have been better covered. 6y
queerbookreader It's not inaccurate in what the book says, so I'm not like "don't read this garbage!!!!" Not at all, but. It could have spent more time covering the actual queer identities (and more in depth about non-binary) and maybe not three entire chapters about a general, could apply to anyone, "how to do relationships" 6y
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Soooooooo glad I decided to check out netgalley last night 💜✨

Sorting Hat Ceremony | Scholastic Books
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Unsurprising. I've always been gryffindor with ravenclaw a super close second. I'm this weird and frustrating combination of "let's really sit and think about all our options before we say or do anything" while simultaneously "I WILL FIGHT ANYONE WHO DARES RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW LETS GO I WILL END YOUR WILL TO LIVE"

there is always a massive internal struggle going on inside my head: to throw down, or to think before acting. ?

Untitled | Unknown

Unrelated, does anyone here have iOS 12 on an iPhone 6? Are you having issues with push notifications on litsy? I just updated to iOS 12 last week and all of a sudden my litsy push notifications aren't working. I sent in a help message Thursday but haven't heard any response yet so I'm wondering if anyone else is having this issue??? I miss not being notified when you guys talk to me 😭

Minervasbutler Hi, if you're on Facebook there's a page called Onward Litsy where the admins are super helpful at dealing with these kind of problems and you can see if it's just you. 6y
queerbookreader @Minervasbutler Ack thank you I never go on fb anymore, wouldn't have ever thought to look there! 6y
emtobiasz I‘m using iOS 12.1 on an iPhone 8 and having the same issue. I‘ll check out that FB page too. 6y
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Lcsmcat It‘s not just you. I‘m having the same issue. They are aware of it but said nothing can be done until Monday. 6y
AlaMich I‘m using 12 on a 7, same here. As long as it‘s not just me, I‘m cool. 6y
Owlizabeth Yeah, I‘m not getting notifications- I just realized it last night. 6y
queerbookreader @emtobiasz @Lcsmcat @AlaMich @Owlizabeth PALS good I'm glad it's not just me thank you for letting me know 6y
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Snake Eyes | Max Allan Collins
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Anyone else have a thing for book adaptations of tv shows? I loooooove the CSI novelizations. They aren't nearly as stressful as the actual tv show 😅 I used to love the show when I was 12-14 ish but then my anxiety disorder developed and now I can only watch cartoons and nature tv shows without flipping out. The books, however, are wonderful!!

hlgreenfield Omg I am not alone. I had a phase in my life where I was sooo obsessed and I read all the books. They were pretty decent crime novels.although there are probably a ton of new ones since! 6y
queerbookreader @hlgreenfield They also made a couple CSI comics but I forget who published them (dark horse?? Maybe?? Idk) and I've managed to get my hands on three of them but not the others 😭😭 one was wild it was about this Jack the Ripper poser and they had to go to a ripper con and omg 6y
hlgreenfield I only had one of the comics. I think it may have been dark horse, can't remember for sure. They were really enjoyable! 6y
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