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Joined May 2016

H is for Hawk | Helen Macdonald
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“I think of what wild animals are in our imagination. And how they are disappearing-not just from the wild, but from people‘s everyday lives, replaced by images of themselves in print and on screen. The rarer they get, the fewer meanings animals can have. Eventually rarity is all they are made of. The condor is an icon of extinction...And in this lies the diminution of the world. How can you love something if all it means is loss?”

Kimzey Love the photo! I just received this book as a gift and look forward to reading it. 3y
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Pretty as a Picture: A Novel | Elizabeth Little
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Marissa is a film editor who gets sucked into a real life mystery on her latest job. The film is based on the unsolved murder of a girl that happened 20 years prior. When Marissa arrives to work, she soon learns that something is wrong on set, and everyone is on edge.

This book is…fine. I don‘t have any specific complaints but I was never invested in any part of it. There‘s a fine line between a “slow burn” and just “slow”and this was the latter.

Stranger Diaries | Elly Griffiths
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I love bookish/academic thrillers, so this was right up my alley. I was excited to discover this was the first book in a series and even more excited to find out the series follows my favorite character-detective Harbinder Kaur. Very excited to check out the next book!

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🎼 In the letter I received from you two weeks ago
I noticed a comma in the middle of a phrase
It changed the meaning-did you intend this?
One stroke and you‘ve consumed my waking days 🎶

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This fancy ginger cake took FOREVER to make and now I just want to relax with an easy book I‘ve read a million times before. I can‘t handle even looking at my pile of dirty dishes, so I‘m just going to focus on Josh and Lucy-will they confess their love to each other??! (They will). (Also this cake is pretty good).

BennettBookworm That looks sooo delicious!! 4y
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“There are many stories of war to tell. You will hear them all. But remember among those who were lost, some made it through. Among the dragons there will always be heroes. Even there. Even then. And of those tales ending in defeat, tales of death and orphans wandering among the ruined, some ended the other way too.”

Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen
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I just realized the 2005 Pride and Prejudice movie aka my happy place is back on Netflix! It‘s a perfect excuse for a reread. I know that as someone who adores this book I should prefer the miniseries, that I should be annoyed the movie ignores so many great moments and delicious satire. Intellectually, I understand this. BUT THAT HAND FLEX THO. You can pry this movie from my cold dead hands

CrowCAH Join the #PemberLittens in August and September as we read a chapter a day of P&P! Follow @sprainedbrain for more Jane Austen fun!!! 4y
Cheshirecat913 I am a die hard miniseries fan, but the 2005 movie does have some great parts. Why choose, enjoy them all! 😄 4y
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Very excited to tackle tonight‘s read! NOT excited to try to sleep tonight after three glasses of iced coffee 🙃

Persuasion | Jane Austen
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I said yesterday that I was in the mood to reread “Persuasion” so today my book, my mask, and I went down to Boston Common and spent my lunch break reading on the dock. I don‘t want to brag but it was a fabulous decision. God, I love this book! Is it possible I love this MORE than Pride and Prejudice?! The thought is so blasphemous I have a hard time working it out...How do you rank Jane Austen‘s books?

bookandbedandtea Beautiful picture! As for JA, Persuasion is definitely my favourite. P&P ties with S&S for 2nd, then Emma, then NA & finally MP. Though if I've just read MP it moves up until I read one of the others. 4y
Crinoline_Laphroaig 1. Pride & Prejudice 2. Northanger Abbey 3. Persuasion 4. Emma 5. Sense and Sensibility 6. Mansfield Park. Persuasion moved up the list when I reread with older eyes. Definitely understood it more than when I was sixteen. 4y
Crinoline_Laphroaig And such a beautiful spot to read. 😍 4y
BarbaraBB Beautiful spot indeed 😍 4y
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By the Book | Julia Sonneborn
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I was looking for something light and fun to read today and “By the Book” really hit the spot. This charming adaptation of Jane Austen‘s “Persuasion” takes place on a college campus-where the literature professor struggling for tenure discovers the new university President is the man whose heart she broke years before. It was really great living in this book for a few hours. And now I DESPERATELY want to reread “Persuasion.” 💜

BookishBelle Beautiful picture! 😍 4y
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Night Boat to Tangier | Kevin Barry
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“A melancholy hour falleth. As afflicts a gentleman of colorful history. But, if he has nothing else to his name, he has his regrets, and these are not without value to the martyr‘s self-portrait displayed in his minds eye. I am fifty one years old, he thinks, and still at least halfway in love with myself. All told you‘d have to call it a fucken achievement.”

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The Shadow of the Wind | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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I was so sad to hear about Carlos Ruiz Zafon‘s death earlier today. The art he created was beautiful and heartbreaking and I‘m grateful I got to experience it 💜

Blueberry 😵 RIP 4y
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Storied Life of A. J. Fikry | Gabrielle Zevin
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“He wants to laugh out loud or punch a wall. He feels drunk or at least carbonated. Insane. At first, he thinks this is happiness but then he determines it‘s love. “Fucking love,” he thinks “What a bother.” It‘s completely gotten in the way of his plan to drink himself to death, to drive his business to ruin. The most annoying thing about it is that once a person gives a shit about one thing, he finds he has to start giving a shit about anything.”

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Grant | Ron Chernow
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I‘ve been hearing a lot of whining about Civil War losers and their associated statues (that should definitely be torn down) so I figured it was time to read 1,000+ pages about the guy who won the war for America.

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Royal Holiday | Jasmine Guillory
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An Earl Grey tea cake seemed like the appropriate snack while reading some Royal Romance. In the interest of transparency, I‘ll admit that this is cake #2 as the first cake came out, in the immortal words of Paul Hollywood “a bit of a mess.” But this one is a delicious success!

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“Every year that passed, it seemed like a little more of her had slipped away; and I began to hear that one day I would come to forget her altogether. But the truth is: no matter how much time passes, those we have loved never slip away from us entirely.” 💜❤️💙🌹

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“I hope to every god you have the guts to do what needs doing. I hope you will find the cracks in the world and wedge them wider so the light of other suns shines through. I hope you will keep the world unruly, messy, full of strange magics. I hope you will run through every door and tell stories when you return.”

AllisonM89 This book had some MAGNIFICENT quotes 4y
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The Illustrated Story of England | Christopher Hibbert
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Lately, I‘ve been watching a lot of BBC specials about the Tudor Dynasty (I watched a three part series about Lady Jane Grey this morning while I *worked from home*). I don‘t exactly know why I find this all so compelling right now, but “The Illustrated Story of England” is perfect for my current, inexplicable literary wheelhouse. It‘s surprisingly informative-I thought this book could be gimmicky- and the art is fabulous ❤️

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This is a great examination of how translating works. I wish it delved more into the implications of translations-the politics and cultural forces behind how works are translated, but that could be its own book. This was a great beginner‘s exploration into this world and highly recommended to anyone who loves translated books.

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Pasta, wine, CAKE, and an Italian serial killer?! And they say the perfect night doesn‘t exist...

The World That We Knew | Alice Hoffman
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“That was how evil spoke. It made its own corrupt sense; it swore that the good were evil, and that the evil had come to save mankind. It brought up ancient fears and scattered them on the street like pearls.”

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Not the Girl You Marry | Andie J. Christopher
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Listen. LISTEN. I love romance hijinks as much as the next person. But when the two protagonists are dumb dummies whose problems would be fixed if they simply talked to each other, I just...lose interest. “Not the Girl You Marry” is a stupid retelling of “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.” Just rewatch the movie-it‘s better

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“Just as it did in the nineteenth century, the notion that the victims were 'only prostitutes' seeks to perpetuate the belief that there are good women and bad women; madonnas and whores. It suggests that there is an acceptable standard of female behaviour and those that deviate from it are fit to be punished. Equally, it assists in reasserting the double standard , exonerating men from wrongs committed against such women.”

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The Family Upstairs | Lisa Jewell
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“I know it sounds like it was all just a terrible disaster. Of course it does. Any situation involving four dead bodies is clearly far from ideal.”

Girl, Woman, Other | Bernardine Evaristo
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I know I‘ve been uncharacteristically quiet on this app lately, but that‘s because all I have wanted to do this week is read “Girl, Woman, Other.” I don‘t want to review other books, I don‘t want to talk to anyone, I don‘t want to do my job. All I wanted to do was read this book and now that it‘s over I truly do not know what to do with myself. This is absolutely stunning and you (yes, YOU) need to read it.

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The Testaments | Margaret Atwood
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I finally finished “The Testaments.” It was a good book, but I still cannot figure out WHY we needed this sequel to “The Handmaid‘s Tale.” The ending to the original book was perfect, and I just don‘t understand why we had to revisit Gilead. And if we did, I don‘t know why this is the story Atwood chose to tell. Ultimately, “The Testaments” didn‘t impact my feeling for the original book-this sequel was just…kind of…there.

marleed I liked that Ms Atwood was able to come back to her story thirty-some years later at nearly 80 years old and provide her finale. I can‘t help but wonder where Frank L Baum might have taken Dorothy or other others of books reimagined with more to the original story if they had had their own opportunity. 4y
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The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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“Strange, isn‘t it? To love a book. When the words on the pages become so precious that they feel like part of your own history because they are. It‘s nice to finally have someone read stories I know so intimately.”

Gideon the Ninth | Tamsyn Muir
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LESBIAN NECROMANCERS! EXPLORING A HAUNTED GOTHIC CASTLE! IN SPACE!!!!! DUELING! SKELETONS! This book is absolutely insane and I would like you to inject it directly into my veins.

In the Dream House: A Memoir | Carmen Maria Machado
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“A reminder to remember: just because the sharpness of the sadness has faded does not mean that it was not, once, terrible. It means only that time and space, creatures of infinite girth and tenderness, have stepped between the two of you, and they are keeping you safe as they were once unable to.”

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“I kissed your face and your hand was so cold that the coldness crept up into my face, my heard, my skull. Nothing colder exists in the world. Not ice, snow. No fear, no anxiety, no heartbreak as cold as your hand; your hand, which I kissed with my warm, loving mouth...So strange that you don‘t exist, I still feel you. My body still can‘t understand that you don‘t exist.”

Ask Again, Yes: A Novel | Mary Beth Keane
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“And he‘d figured out that the fun was often not the thing itself—the party, the keg stand, the naked running into the duck pond—but the endless talking about it after, the reliving and describing, and laughing about it in front of people who wished they‘d been there. Used to be he was one of the kids listening, one of the kids who missed everything, but now, since college, since Kate, he was in the stories.”

Ask Again, Yes: A Novel | Mary Beth Keane
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“And he‘d figured out that the fun was often not the thing itself—the party, the keg stand, the naked running into the duck pond—but the endless talking about it after, the reliving and describing, and laughing about it in front of people who wished they‘d been there. Used to be he was one of the kids listening, one of the kids who missed everything, but now, since college, since Kate, he was in the stories.”

Red at the Bone | Jacqueline Woodson
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“Does it sound crazy to say I looked at her and saw the world falling into some kind of order that I didn‘t even know it was out of?”

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True story: Thanks to this book, my sister and I got into a screaming match about WHICH Nicholas Cage character we would want to add to our fantasy heist crew. We both knew Nicholas Cage had to be involved, but she was going for Face/Off Cage, whereas I was going for I‘m-gonna-steal-the-Declaration-of-Independence Cage and then my mother chimed in late in the game to advocate for Moonstruck Nicholas Cage which started this whole fight over again.

Tianarose I love Nicholas Cage. But I‘m surprised gone in 60 seconds Cage was not in this particular debate! (edited) 5y
Expandingbookshelf @Tianarose My brother in law heard about this discussion a few days later and IMMEDIATELY texted me to demand the inclusion of 60 seconds Cage! 5y
Tianarose @Expandingbookshelf lol. That‘s hilarious. There‘s lots of good options to choose from his characters 5y
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vivastory Uhm... I think I'm #teamtherocknicholascage 😂 4y
vivastory Although, stealing Declaration of Independence NC is pretty damn good too 🤔 4y
Expandingbookshelf @vivastory there are just SO many options!!! 4y
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“We tend to think the future happens later, but we‘re creating it in our minds everyday. When the present falls apart, so does the future we had associated with it. And having the future taken away is the mother of all plot twists.”

Fridameetslucy The mother of all plot twists - what a great line! 5y
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That serendipitous moment when you learn the book you just started won a National Book Award TODAY 🤗

Now I really can‘t wait to really dig into “Trust Exercise.” My night is now planned!

rachelm I‘m enjoying so far!! 5y
SamAnne And I‘m beginning The Yellow House tomorrow, winner of the Non-fiction prize 5y
Expandingbookshelf @SamAnne oooh I really want to read that! 5y
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Trick Mirror | Jia Tolentino
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Uhhhhhh...how did an editor miss this?!? (If you‘ve never read “Rebecca” the narrator is famously unnamed, the woman she is quoting is NOT Rebecca) 😰

jillrhudy Ohmigod. Did the author not read Rebecca?!? (edited) 5y
Expandingbookshelf @jillrhudy I guess not! But what‘s crazier to me is NO ONE in the editing process caught this??! 5y
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2019 on Goodreads | Various Various
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Maike Wow 🤩 5y
rachelm 🥳🥳 5y
marleed Wowza! 5y
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Cantoras: A Novel | Carolina De Robertis
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Where do I even begin? This story of five queer Uruguayan women during the height of the military dictatorship is so damn good I don‘t even have words for it. I know it‘s a bookish cliché, but I did not want to move until I finished reading “Cantoras.” It‘s absolutely one of my favorite books this year.

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City of Girls | Elizabeth Gilbert
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I really wanted to like this book! Roaring 20s, showgirls women behaving badly. But ultimately, I was just bored by “City of Girls.” At 470 pages, this only thing this book demands of its readers is stamina.

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THIS is how you spend a Friday! With a cocktail (or two) and a breezy romance book. I am so looking forward to my night...

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Halloween might be over but spooky season isn‘t done until I say it is ☕️👻

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“The Future of Another Timeline” pits time-traveling Riot Grrrls against time-traveling MRAs and after you read that description you‘re either all in or totally out (I think it‘s obvious I‘m the former)

Tamra Can you deliver that soup?😋 5y
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It is crazy to me that we know some parts of our universe better than we know the ocean. I don‘t know a lot about ocean exploration or diving, so I was excited to spend my afternoon learning about this totally different world, beneath the waves. I wish there was more in this book about environmental conservation (it‘s covered somewhat reluctantly in the end, but its absence was glaring) but it was still a good read!

Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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“I wasn‘t trying to become Jude. Not exactly. But I wanted to disappear and she had left a space. When I stepped into that space, I vanished from my senses. It changed me into someone who didn‘t have my actual mind...Now I know how that sounds: teenage, teenage. I was and it brought me to wickedness. Except in wickedness, I loved the world, too, in a way so fierce I assumed no one could imagine. And I love it still.”

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True crime 🔪

Glass of wine 🍷

Bed by 9 🛏

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The Last Astronaut | David Wellington
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I‘m just a girl, reading out loud to a bunch of plants, asking that they don‘t die on her today. I‘m hoping that, deep down, they also want to know how “The Last Astronaut” saves the day.

marleed Ohhhhh. 5y
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The Summer of Us | Cecilia Vinesse
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It‘s 85 degrees out and so I‘m reading some summer teen angst. “The Summer Of Us” isn‘t a great book, but man is it hitting the spot right now. The mimosa doesn‘t hurt either.

The Summer of Us | Cecilia Vinesse
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It‘s 85 degrees out and so I‘m reading some summer teen angst. “The Summer Of Us” isn‘t a great book, but man is it hitting the spot right now. The mimosa doesn‘t hurt either.

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“Killing in the name of racism-always justified through negative emotions: hatred, contempt, and objectification; a degree of farce-is not, in the liberal-romanticized West, a spontaneous practice. First the violence needs to be represented to the point where it becomes denatured, until it is converted into a solemn discourse, a sort of law.”

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