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Joined April 2020

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Intriguing concept, charismatic characters, thought-provoking explorations on different eras all packaged in a sort of loose structure. This book was witty, charming, and written with fresh prose. While I was entertained and generally wooed, certain plot lines felt too slippery and unclear to me.

Tom Lake: A Novel | Ann Patchett
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Meryl is a dream, but 80% of the way through I realized that I felt no connection to any of the characters (or a really strong grasp on any of them?) and I felt incredibly bored. Sped through the rest. I wanted to like this more! 2.5 ⭐️ 🎧

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I can‘t get enough of Amanda Montell. In our current time of information onslaught, we are all overstimulated little fish swimming in uncharted waters. Her perspective on how our brains are handling the internet, celebrity worship, overconfidence in the age of selfies, etc…is validating and a huge relief. Somebody to make sense of it all for us!

BirdLaVie Montell has a way of therapeutically, entertainingly, logically examining “what are we doing and how did we get here?” Then she puts it all into context in a book that feels like a catchy podcast/documentary. I was popping my popcorn the whole way through. Highly recommend! 🎧 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1mo
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Bride | Ali Hazelwood
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….Kinky! I respect the unflinching exploration of a vampire and werewolf union, Ali Hazelwood went there. Not sure I need more of it (the epilogue suggested a sequel) but I was entertained. 3 ⭐️🎧

A Fate Inked in Blood | Danielle L. Jensen
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The plot plotted along and pages kept turning, but it was the spice that kept me in it. Ultimately an enjoyable slow burn full of Gods, magic, power, secrets and plenty of lust. I‘m not sure that I would be eager to read a long series to follow, but I‘ll definitely pick up the next book. 3.5 ⭐️ rounded up.

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5 ⭐️ A must-read guide to understanding the people in your life who regularly feel draining, chaotic, and incomprehensible. While the comparison between mature vs. immature people strikes a condescending dichotomy times, I think it is necessary to achieve the emotional distance needed to conceptualize how limited some people are (and will likely always be). True to the title: emotional disengagement is the ultimate goal and path to healing.

ImperfectCJ Excellent review! I, too, have reservations about the dichotomy. I would prefer if Gibson focused a little more on how many of us exhibit emotionally immature behaviors in certain contexts and that this is something to be mindful of and work on, not just to label ourselves (and others) with. The suggestions are great, though. (Side note: It appears we share a last name! Mine is from my Spanish grandpa (well, and my dad, but he was born in Ohio)). 1mo
BirdLaVie @ImperfectCJ thank you! Agree, the suggestions are on point, and some people are definitely higher on the EIP scale and less reachable, but all of us have EIP parts in us! (I‘m an Italian Lorenzo 🇮🇹!) 1mo
ImperfectCJ @BirdLaVie Most of the Lorenzos I've met are Italian Lorenzos, but when I visited Asturias several years ago, I got confirmation that they do, in fact, exist outside of my family's reunions. I was starting to imagine that our family had moved from Italy at some point and just lost that story...which is still possible, I guess. Rome certainly had a presence in Spain back in the day :-) 1mo
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Annie Bot | Sierra Greer
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4.5 ⭐️ This pointedly smart, Atwood-esque glimpse into our possible future had me rapt, unnerved, and deeply pensive. A salient read in this precise moment as AI surges ahead.

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Tia Williams is so COOL. I would be intimidated by her shrewdness in person, but entering her clever, tender, sexy world feels spellbinding. Williams‘ voice is markedly modern with compelling notes of past times through which her old soul sings. A truly heartwarming and alluring experience. 4 ⭐️🎧

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Galit Atlas has married psychoanalysis with what feels like the magical world of emotional inheritance, in which ancestral trauma is passed down through generations. Except that the way in which we all know more than we think we do about our families and one another unconsciously is not magic, it is very real; as is the way in which processing the trauma can finally begin to heal and release it. 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

BirdLaVie “Our hope lies in the understanding that our emotional work has a profound effect on who we, our children, and our grandchildren will become. Trauma is transmitted through our minds and through our bodies, but so are resilience and healing.” 3mo
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The Women: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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The Women is an immersive experience, traveling back to a time not long ago in which women were steeply denied recognition, dignity, and respect for serving their country. Hannah demonstrates the infuriating injustice, patriarchal tyranny, and mind-blowing disregard for competent veterans. Deep, flowing trauma-bonds between women are forged and they hold one another up; seeing and understanding one another in a way that the world refuses to.

BirdLaVie Though Vietnam is a stark backdrop, I think that the message stands up in most circumstances still today: women are still not fully seen by anybody but one another. If we don‘t bond with other women, we are deeply alone. I thought this was a beautiful work to honor the courageous women in history who served our country thanklessly and suffered greatly for it. 3mo
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My Husband: A Novel | Maud Ventura
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What...an experience! I viscerally felt the narrator's exhaustive anxiety, desperation and neuroticism. While this work is hyperbolic, there is something unmistakably captured that exists in many heterosexual relationships that I have witnessed. I do think women can acceptably get away with losing themselves in a man and hiding from themselves and their real issues.

BirdLaVie I also think that a man who is in control of a relationship always knows (and unconsciously or consciously seeks out) that he is in control. The shifting power dynamics that exist between all of us were explored in a very tangible, heart-pounding way. Finishing this book was like getting off a dizzying roller coaster ride! 3mo
BookLineNSinker Added to my TBR, LOVED YOUR REVIEW! 3mo
BirdLaVie @BookLineNSinker Ahh thank you! I can‘t wait to see what you think of it! 3mo
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5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I have to sit with this novel weighing deeply in my heart…I don‘t think it will ever leave me! The Heart‘s Invisible Furies is nothing short of a spiritual experience, examining life/death/tragedy/queerness/love/friendship/parental relationships/childhood trauma/culture/society/found family/intolerance -- in all its complexity.

BirdLaVie Boyne gorgeously captures how life is both excruciatingly unfair and astonishingly beautiful. The experience of the way Boyne does character was striking, I am stunned in admiration and appreciation for his multifaceted, hilarious, distinct characters. What a gift to muse over this poignant novel and have it to return to physically and in my mind forever! 4mo
Leftcoastzen The year I read it I thought it was the best book I read that year . 4mo
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The Seven Year Slip | Ashley Poston
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This book didn‘t really do it for me 🤷🏼‍♀️ the concept was intriguing and I didn‘t bail on it, but it also seemed purposefully cheesy and naive, like a YA romance, and it didn‘t evoke any emotion out of me other than the occasional eye roll. 2.5 ⭐️

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5 ⭐️ reading content, 4 ⭐️ reading experience. Very heavy research-based work of non-fiction but mindblowing. PSA to incorporate 20 minutes of art into your day, every day! It‘s our way through trauma, our map to the subconscious, our portal to the divine. Obviously, I didn‘t need much convincing, but I‘m inspired to have the reminder that art is an essential, valuable crux of our humanity and spiritual well-being.

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3.5 ⭐ Quirky and thought-provoking! I enjoyed this perspective-enhancing novel about a masochistic, neuro-atypical queer woman who brings self-loathing to a whole new level. Getting to know Enid was intriguing, cringey, and often hilarious. It was all a bit neatly formulaic for me in the end, but it made sense, and the interesting facts about space were both fascinating and endearing to the character.

Small Things Like These | Claire Keegan
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A poignant, simultaneously heartbreaking and heartwarming story that vibrates with the true spirit of Christmas we should all hold in our hearts 🎄

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3.5 🌟 Brimming with folklore and whimsy, this tale is an engaging fairytale adventure. I enjoyed the quirky characters and their dynamics, and my attention was held throughout, which counts for a lot! At times the perspective got a bit tangential, and none of my feelings were stirred, but I had a good time. Also, who can resist that gorgeous cover?! 🧚🏻

Our Crooked Hearts | Melissa Albert
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3.5 ⭐️ Written with a spellbinding prose, features of this story will stay with me when my mind wanders to witchy thoughts. “The Craft” vibes are definitely present and this is a satisfyingly spooky, magical, coming of age story. Melissa Albert is a beautiful writer, but I had a hard time getting into the story until about halfway through. I would pick up her work again.

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5 glowing, awestruck stars ✨ Midnight is a heart-stopping, enraging, shrewd examination of morality and justice. Addictive and intriguing, systems are acutely demonstrated and dismantled through a mesmerizing love story that played in my head like a hypnotic orchestral symphony. Ashley Winstead is a compelling power, simmering with a depth, intellect and understanding of human nature that renders the reader breathless.

GondorGirl Ooo great review! I'm adding this one to my list for sure! 7mo
BirdLaVie @GondorGirl you won‘t regret it!! 7mo
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My Darling Girl | Jennifer McMahon
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3.5 ⭐️ I appreciated the spooky-factor in this book, it was scary but didn't destroy me. At the heart (or black tourmaline-streaked stone, IYKYK) of this story is a woman reckoning with the death of her abusive, alcoholic mother, made more compelling by the author who grew up with an alcoholic and unpredictable mother. Unsettling, infuriating, and sinister...this is a great read for the Halloween season.

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3.5 ⭐️ 🎧 It took me awhile to feel invested in this story, but it had all of the elements of good storytelling, world building, and character tension. It was a nice escape as an audiobook. I think a physical book may have felt too drawn out at times; things pick up towards the final third of the book. I‘ll listen to the next in the series when the mood strikes! 🧚🏼‍♂️🧚🏻‍♀️

oddandbookish This book is definitely the weakest of the series. 8mo
BirdLaVie @oddandbookish that is good to know, thanks for telling me! Definitely gives me fuel towards book 2, which I‘ve heard is strong! 8mo
oddandbookish @BirdLaVie Book 2 was my personal favorite! 8mo
BirdLaVie @oddandbookish I‘m sold!! 8mo
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Thistlefoot | GennaRose Nethercott
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Thistlefoot is bound with searing history, imaginative force and deeply profound moments. Though there was so much here and I was moved by the message of the novel and certain passages, it overall lacked cohesiveness and I struggled to follow along at times. Baba Yaga‘s perspective was my favorite to listen to 🎧 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I finished this book feeling conflicted and overwhelmed. At first it felt hopeful to read a book on beauty and wellness that aligned more with my values, focusing on self-care and facial massage instead of expensive, trendy cosmetic procedures. Gradually, the approach snowballed into more and more intensity around “wellness” habits that can be painted as small efforts, but combined become obsessive and overwhelming.

BirdLaVie There is an aspect of wellness culture that teeters on the edge of toxic, self-loathing, and desperately grasping for ways to appear in a way that society will applaud…an aspect that feels very anti-feminist. I‘m not sure how far towards that toxicity this book leans. 9mo
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A Flicker in the Dark | Stacy Willingham
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This one never got its hooks into me! The writing wasn‘t bad, but I ended up skimming through to read the ending. I didn‘t feel emotionally invested. 2 ⭐️

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The Cloisters | Katy Hays
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Enchanting with its atmosphere and energy, I was drawn deeply into the magic and dark academia of The Cloisters! The entire novel hummed with a sort of spellbinding trance that matched its themes of oracle, desire, allure, power, and seduction. The steady plot, layers of environment and undertones, and quality environment makes this a perfect read for Fall 🍁🍂

Adelaide: A Novel | Genevieve Wheeler
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On the surface Adelaide is an exploration of unrequited love and mental health, but it also resonates with the general impossibility of being a woman. There was an energy of effort, thoughtfulness, and depletion that women tend to exert just to be met with an air of being treated as though they‘re “not enough.” I see this dynamic in the workplace, at home, in friendships and marriages; in every realm that women roam!

BirdLaVie This book really nailed a feminist lens with an addictive, page-turning quality. 4.5 ⭐️ 9mo
JenReadsAlot Loved this one! 9mo
BirdLaVie @JenReadsAlot I loved it too! 9mo
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I gave this a try on audio and it wasn‘t for me. The concept is nice and I‘m sure it was a lovely exercise for the family, but it didn‘t feel to me like something that needed to be put out into the world. It felt self-indulgent and theatrical.

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Shark Heart is elemental, a Pisces: pensive, a lap through deep existential waters. The characters had an aliveness despite the fantastical plot. This book is a beautiful work of art that strikingly explores the life journey, transformation and rebirth. 5⭐️

Fourth Wing | Rebecca Yarros
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If you can allow yourself to get swept up in an action-packed, intriguing, heart-pounding romance set in a fantasy world war college…meet your new escape. The hype was real for me! Yarros built the perfect addictive tension between characters and unraveled interesting situation after situation. I fell in love, I cried! All the feelings 🐉 🖤 please somebody take this to the screen! 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Little Monsters | Adrienne Brodeur
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Let me preface by saying I LOVED Wild Game. Adrienne Brodeur is a smart, incisive, mesmerizing writer. Maybe family portraits aren‘t my thing…but I didn‘t feel quite as drawn into this one. It held my attention and had a steady, flowing plot with deep characters and growth, but it didn‘t feel like much of an “experience” if that makes sense. I‘d still pick up her next book because I respect her and know she can teach me and hold my interest! 3 ⭐️

Chelsea.Poole I also loved Wild Game so now I‘m worried about this one. 10mo
BirdLaVie @Chelsea.Poole it‘s honestly good, I don‘t know what my problem was! I didn‘t feel as spellbound and invested as I did in Wild Game. Curious to hear what you think! 10mo
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I had been looking for a propulsive summer read to get lost in and this was it! Total Veronica Mars vibes, constant movement, interesting twists and turns. It's very YA in that every single avenue explored yielded new or confirmed evidence, which felt less realistic but makes for a really fun, addictive read. Relationships between the characters are touching and there is growth. I'll check out the rest of the series! 4⭐️

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I‘m always so impressed when an author is able to vividly imagine an enchanting story within a story, especially along with captivating riddles and whimsical world building. This book is full of inspiration and intrigue (as well as all of the warm feels!) I wanted to pick up a sketch book after I was done reading this love letter to creativity and the power of human kindness. Great beach read! Thank you for letting me borrow it @ICantImReading 🩵

ICantImReading @BirdLaVie I‘m so glad you liked it!! This beautiful bookish beach scene with family is the epitome of peace and joy! And this is is a beautiful review, as always! 🩵🌊✨ (edited) 11mo
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Margaret Atwood is a treasure. I cherished going to the bookstore to pick up her latest, it‘s a gift to live in the same time as this brilliant woman. Atwood has a way of being equally grounded and ethereal. Her short stories offer comfort, hope, intrigue, and new ideas; especially about death and aging. She always leaves me in a state of pure awe. 5⭐️✨

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This is a book for anybody who is seeking a grounding meditation or inspiring type of mindfulness. I loved the inspiration to enrich my life and connect to others more deeply through my five senses. It felt like free happiness and fulfillment in appreciating all of the beauty around us! As well as a call to intentionally curate an environment to nourish ourselves through our senses.

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Aesthetica | Allie Rowbottom
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Aesthetica is a dark exploration around the culture of women altering their faces and bodies to be youthful, relevant, and trendy.

It begs the question…what are we really buying when we alter ourselves?….Love? Admiration? Safety? Security? A little more time?

BirdLaVie The storyline felt a bit two dimensional and incomplete, but it still raised a lot of thought provoking questions for me. I‘m left with a defeated awareness of how much impossible, cruel pressure girls and woman are under. 12mo
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Ashley Winstead never lets me down! Having a brother named Logan didn't get in the way of me falling for the main love interest named Logan in this tension-filled escape (which is a testament to Ashley's craft). Smart, substantial, steamy, relatable...I had so much fun with this.

Meet Me at the Lake | Carley Fortune
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What…was this?? I think that Carley Fortune is talented with her prose, but this storyline felt formulaic and far-fetched. The characters weren‘t believable, nor was the relationship between them. The audio version was hard for me to follow at times between the past and present tenses. I ended up zipping through at a high speed and continued to roll my eyes through the end.

The Comfort Book | Matt Haig
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If you‘re looking for a grounding meditation and a way to halt your spinning anxieties, The Comfort Book is your salvation. I enjoyed this book as a way to infuse a little bit of zen, the wonder of life, and the bigger picture into every day. I want to have it on my coffee table as my daughters experience the inevitable growing pains of youth. What a lovely treasure of a book. True to its name, it‘s as comforting as a warm cup of tea 🍵 5⭐️

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Minka's story is layered and surprising; but mostly because of what we assume of other people. This heartbreaking and authentic memoir is an offering of grace. An articulate, searingly empathic, intelligent demonstration of the work we can do to take the hand of our inner-children and guide them lovingly to a calmer, more centered way of being. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🎧 highly recommend on audio.

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Lucy Cooke‘s sense of humor and approach to nonfiction storytelling brings me so much joy! Her narraration evokes “Nigel Thornberry” and I can hear the twinkle in her eye through her voice. I was delighted by the interesting animal facts, but the historical context was harder for me to latch onto. It was hard to hear about cruel animal experimentation. 3⭐️ 🎧

BirdLaVie Cooke‘s “Bitch on the Female Species” was my favorite book of 2022. While this one didn‘t quite captivate me on the same level, it was still a wild ride and I am better for having listened to it 🐼. 13mo
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Migrations: A Novel | Charlotte McConaghy
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This wasn‘t for me! There is a certain bristle and unlikable nature to McConaghy‘s main characters that feels like a barrier to connection for me. I appreciated the structure, ethics and intent of the novel (I enjoyed learning about the Arctic Terns!) Franny, in my opinion, wasn‘t the best character to tell this story. She was overdone and too rugged/traumatized with few redeeming qualities and surprising tenderness that came out of nowhere.

Weyward: A Novel | Emilia Hart
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3.5 ✨ Weyward is a shimmering ode to nature, connection, women and the constant smothering of female power. I was moved by how the book wrapped itself up and enjoyed the scenic nature and themes, but I had a hard time feeling invested until the end.

ICantImReading Gorgeous picture! 😍🪲🦋🪰🐞🐦‍⬛🌿🌸💚 13mo
BirdLaVie @ICantImReading thank you!! This cover is so pretty alone, it blends right in with nature and gives dirt and dead leaves a glow up 🍃 🌿🍂 13mo
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Love, Pamela | Pamela Anderson
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I think, perhaps, that giving some of the most objectified women on the planet a voice is one of the most empowering, feminist punches I can imagine. I loved getting to know Pam Anderson, and I felt a kindred spirit in her. I‘m grateful to Pam and all other women who take the time to share themselves, I think it‘s one of the most powerful, connective forces to bring women together, which is the safest and most satisfying place for women to be. 5⭐️

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There is something undeniable about how our family systems wire us. Learning the language of Origin Wounds helped me to connect the dots in an intriguing, self-compassionate, sometimes painful, but ultimately revolutionary way. I don‘t have it all figured out after reading this book, but I have new tools, strategies, and thought-provoking questions to ask myself that bring me closer to the more healed person and parent I want to be. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Can I drop everything and become a zoologist? I think I found my new passion! This book gripped me from start to finish. I‘m left in a state of awe and shock about the animal kingdom. I had never thought about the deep entrenchment of society and culture into the scientific method…how it impacts the questions we think to ask, what we‘re able to see, and the answers we‘re willing to accept. My mind is cracked wide open in the most wonderful way.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I wish I could download this book to my brain! Brené offered a nuance to emotions that I didn‘t know I desperately needed to make sense of literally almost anything one can experience. I saw so much of myself and people I know in the emotions. I feel as one should feel after a mind-expanding book: more connected to humanity and left with more to learn.

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The Change: A Novel | Kirsten Miller
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There is something rage-inspiring about adrenaline-pumping about being reminded of the injustices inherent in being female that we all sort of accept. Our value tied to our youth, reproductive viability, and quiet compliance. How what we are valued and encouraged to be makes us easy prey for tireless hunters. The Change is a reality check and an empowering note on the sacredness of womanhood.

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Fool Me Once: A Novel | Ashley Winstead
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Winstead is so versatile! Her move from a dark thriller to romance was unexpected but entertaining and well-executed. I know when I pick up one of her books that I won't feel disappointed. In My Dreams I Hold a Knife was my favorite read of 2021, I prefer her psychological acuity in the thriller realm, but her romance was also shrewdly smart and enjoyable.

The Ex Hex: A Novel | Erin Sterling
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Who knew we all needed a Halloween romance in our lives!? This was so much fun, I loved reading it all in October to really get into a festive spirit. This is a pick for those who love all of the magic and beauty of Halloween without the scaries!

For Your Own Good | Samantha Downing
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What sheer entertainment! I loved getting in touch with my inner vengeful, sinister side through this nonstop academic thriller. It was the perfect read for late-September into October. I‘m left with the musing: what punishment would I see fit for that irritating behavior? What a dark, guilty-pleasure daydream ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨