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repost for @TheAromaofBooks:

Okay #RandomClassics friends, here is the schedule for Puck of Pook's Hill!! It seems that this is a collection of short stories and poems. So the main title for each bullet point is the story, and the parenthetical titles are the associated poems. Each story is about 25-30pgs, so 2-3 a week feels doable. We'll see how it goes!!!

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TheAromaofBooks Thank you for the repost!!! 2d
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Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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Okay #RandomClassics friends, here is the schedule for Puck of Pook's Hill!! It seems that this is a collection of short stories and poems. So the main title for each bullet point is the story, and the parenthetical titles are the associated poems. Each story is about 25-30pgs, so 2-3 a week feels doable. We'll see how it goes!!!

@BarkingMadRead @CatLass007 @julieclair @TheBookHippie

BarkingMadRead Sounds like a plan! 3d
julieclair This sounds interesting! 😀 2d
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East of Eden | J. Steinbeck
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(thru ch 29 because I haven't finished today's chapter yet haha)

Well, I can't say I was sad to leave creepy Cathy behind and check in on some other characters this week. Mr. Hamilton though 😞 He and Lee are literally the only two people I even like in this book!

I was so glad that Adam finally got some closure with his psychopath wife and can move on, but I definitely get the feeling that his lies to his sons about their mother will come ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) back to bite him.

At this point, I just want Lee to get out of there and open his bookstore. THAT is a story I would enjoy reading!!!

I don't like this book at all, but I do find myself continuing to read with a kind of fascinated horror. My husband said he had to read this in his sophomore English class. It's not even that this seems like inappropriate high school material (although it does), it's more like - POINTLESS high school ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) material?? Like why???? At least Grapes of Wrath has some historical context and insights into the struggles of the Great Depression. Frankly, I've found this book to be just kind of dumb and pointless. Sometimes I swear they pick high school reading material with the idea of discouraging kids from reading on their own.

ANYWAY are any of you enjoying this more than me?? I realize that just because I don't like a book doesn't mean that⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) no one does, so please feel free to express conflicting opinions in the comments 😂

#RandomClassics @BarbaraJean @BarkingMadRead @Bklover @Librarybelle @Read4life @SaceReads @SamAnne @TheBookHippie
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BarkingMadRead I‘m not minding it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I won‘t say I love it, because it‘s very disturbing, but I like it. I‘m wondering if these boys are Adam‘s? Charles? One of each? I‘m voting Charles, Cal is sincerely creepy. Lee needs to hightail it out of there. But not in that car 🚗 (edited) 3d
TheAromaofBooks @BarkingMadRead - I have to say that I loved the car scene. And also... not sure if I would enjoy driving if I had to go through so many steps every time I started mine!!! 3d
Librarybelle I agree with @BarkingMadRead …I like it, not love it. Some of the chapters seem to meander too much for me, but then others are absolutely horrifying. I have a feeling we‘ll see Cathy again. She‘s a bad penny. 3d
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East of Eden | J. Steinbeck
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Was NOT expecting this story.
He can write
I have read him before (school & IRL Bookclub)
Not sure I would again
Love the perspective I gained
Now to rewatch the movie
😅🤷🏻‍♀️ #randomclassics

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Thank you for reading along with me! This book is depressing yet fascinating 😂 4d
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks It fascinates me that people love it.. 😅😝 it was intriguing to read. 4d
jewright This is my favorite Steinbeck! 4d
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TheBookHippie @jewright 😅. He‘s not for me. 4d
jewright @TheBookHippie Have you read Of Mice and Men? Even high school kids usually like it. 3d
TheBookHippie @jewright Yes. Several times. And The Pearl. 3d
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repost for @TheAromaofBooks

June's book is Puck of Pook's Hill, which should, if nothing else, be a contrast to East of Eden 😂 I have several of Kipling's books on my list because I enjoyed the two Jungle Books and Just So stories so much, but I don't really know anything about this one. I don't have my copy yet, so I'm not sure how many chapters there are, either!! If anyone would like to read along, let me know!!


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East of Eden | John Steinbeck
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I just noticed this tiny pig emblem on the back of my library copy of East of Eden, and was fascinated—I had to look up the meaning of the motto. And I found this: Pigasus! Ad Astra Per Alia Porci: to the stars on the wings of a pig. Earthbound but aspiring. I love it!



Ruthiella 😂😂😂 🐖🐖🐖 1w
Amiable That‘s so interesting! I never knew any of that about Steinbeck. 1w
TheAromaofBooks Oh I love this!! And what a great motto. 7d
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Puck of Pook's Hill | Rudyard Kipling
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June's book is Puck of Pook's Hill, which should, if nothing else, be a contrast to East of Eden 😂 I have several of Kipling's books on my list because I enjoyed the two Jungle Books and Just So stories so much, but I don't really know anything about this one. I don't have my copy yet, so I'm not sure how many chapters there are, either!! If anyone would like to read along, let me know!!


Librarybelle I‘m planning to set out June and July but will be back for Fahrenheit 451 in August! Have fun reading June and July! 2w
BarkingMadRead I‘m ready!! 2w
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CatLass007 It‘s currently available for free on Audible so I plan to join in. 2w
TheBookHippie It‘s on hoopla for next month! 2w
julieclair I‘m going to try! Thanks for the heads up about Audible, @catlass007 ! 1w
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East of Eden | J. Steinbeck
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(thru ch 21) So APPARENTLY this book is about a psychopathic prostitute! Who knew!

But seriously, what the HECK is going on?! I don't actually enjoy reading about Cathy/Kate and am much more interested in what is going on with Adam and the twins, and the Hamilton family. But also I can't help reading these chapters with a kind of horrified fascination. Any thoughts from you all??

I did love one thing Samuel said to Adam, when Adam was thinking ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) about just giving up on life. He said, “You're going to pass something down no matter what you do or if you do nothing. Even if you let yourself go fallow, the weeds will grow and the brambles. Something will grow.“ I don't know why, but I just really liked that quote.

I also like the term “Welshrats“ (ch 16) - “the world sadness that rises into the soul like a gas and spreads despair so that you probe for the offending event and can ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) find none.“ What an apt description!

Love to hear everyone's thoughts on this book. A much crazier ride than I was anticipating, if I'm honest 😂

@BarbaraJean @BarkingMadRead @Bklover @Librarybelle @Read4life @SaceReads @SamAnne @TheBookHippie
Librarybelle I had no clue! None. I‘ve seen none of the adaptations and had only read The Grapes of Wrath in high school. There is the struggle of good versus evil in this, but I did not realize how psychologically terrifying this would be. Geez…but, I‘m liking this way more than I liked Wrath (or remember liking it…it‘s been awhile). 2w
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BarkingMadRead This woman is nuts! And yet I can‘t look away 🤣 2w
TheBookHippie It‘s like watching a train wreck I‘m so intrigued I keep reading… 2w
TheBookHippie Also no clue going in we‘d be on this type of reading adventure. 2w
BarbaraJean “Horrified fascination”—YES!! She‘s fascinating exactly because of how horrifying she is. And because she‘s such an anomaly in this story—pretty much all the other characters are good-hearted and well-intentioned in their own ways. And then there‘s Cathy, basically a hollow void of humanity. 😬 2w
BarbaraJean I also loved that quote from Sam to Adam. It feels like such foreshadowing for the twins—what is Adam going to pass down, what will grow in them, what will be the results of their heritage? 2w
Read4life Exactly like a train wreck, @TheBookHippie . I can‘t look. I can‘t look away! 🫣 2w
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East of Eden | John Steinbeck
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I just finished Chapter 21…Cathy is so evil! She gives me the creeps. Just had to say something! #RandomClassics

Image is from Wikipedia/public domain of Jo Van Fleet portraying Cathy Ames in the 1955 film.

TheAromaofBooks RIGHT!? I was just getting ready to post about this week's chapters. WHAT EVEN 2w
Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks She almost makes Norman Bates look like a choir boy! 😂 2w
BarbaraJean Hahaha—yep!! Now I need to watch one of the film adaptations of this… 2w
Librarybelle @BarbaraJean I should too! 2w
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East of Eden | John Steinbeck
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TheAromaofBooks Thanks for the repost!!! 2w
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