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Guns | Stephen King
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Reading Guns made me furious. Furious because I live in a country where it's so easy for things like this to happen, furious because they happen with obscene regularity, furious because we have become numb and inured to it, and furious because our legislators refuse to pass laws that would decrease the likelihood of things like this continuing to happen. Read Guns, and you can be furious too. 5/5

Before You Know Kindness | Chris Bohjalian
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💛💛💛 7mo
Eggs Sounds good 🧡💛🧡 7mo
TheBookgeekFrau @Eggs It's hard to go wrong with a Chris Bohjalian book 💕 7mo
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😔🙄🤬😱😔😭😔🤔 An emotional rollercoaster! Disheartening, disturbing and thought provoking book about the plethora of guns in the US. Larson does a good job of explaining how it got so bad & tries to provide a solution to let people own guns while still protecting the public. Written more than 20 years ago, it is somewhat outdated and now seems a bit naive. Ultimately he lays the blame with the NRA & the entertainment industry. I tend to agree.

Parkland | Dave Cullen
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Written by the journalist who wrote Columbine, I went into this expecting the same hard-hitting, deep dive he produced there. However, here Cullen focuses on the survivors of the Parkland tragedy & how the event spurred them to create a movement. While still emotional, & definitely inspirational, it didn‘t affect me quite the way his book on Columbine. I did learn new facts & am in awe of these teens (now mostly adults).

Aimeesue The Parkland survivors‘ group held a protest this weekend at the NRA headquarters near me. They had to shut down one of the streets, which was pretty excellent. 9mo
Kristy_K @Aimeesue Oh wow. This didn‘t really go into if they were still active now, so it‘s cool to hear they‘re still working toward change. 9mo
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Parkland | Dave Cullen
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I clearly remember the afternoon of the shooting. Police sirens were screaming and it sounded like helicopters were on the rooftop of my apartment. Only a year ago we learned about another former student who killed himself, unable to deal with the trauma. Multiple kids… now adults… with suicide attempts… after experiencing this. No one needs automatic weapons besides our military. When the f*ck will laws acknowledge this? And I AM a gun owner.

TheBookHippie It distresses me as well… when will it be enough?! 11mo
KathyWheeler My sister-in-law accused me of hating guns and wanting to ban all gun ownership because I feel like you do. She said that I probably don‘t even know how to shot one; well, I do, and I enjoy target shooting, but there is simply no honest reason why anyone who is not in the military needs to have some of these guns. This gun worship in the USA is so frustrating! 11mo
Monica5 I never understood why the made military grade guns available to civilians. I'm a gun owner, and to me they should outlaw them and make them only available for military. 11mo
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Amiable My son is a Marine, and he completely agrees with you. (As do I!) 11mo
The_Book_Ninja If Sandy Hook alone wasn‘t enough for America to ban guns, then it never will 11mo
kspenmoll I agree with you all- it‘s terrifying how many People have military grade guns & how many deaths we have just in first 6 mths of 2023 due to guns. 11mo
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Parkland | Dave Cullen
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Traces birth of March for Our Lives in the aftermath of the MSD school mass shooting. David Cullen‘s the media go-to analyst for school shootings, but he recognized that fewer people are concerned with the motive of the shooter. Instead, people are searching for solutions. Sadly, I don‘t think sensible solutions will be implemented in such a divided America. Still a powerful listen.

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Overall this was a pick for me although much of the book was quite depressing, but gave me a better feel for the gun culture in the US. It was written 30 years ago but so much still seems relevant today, and most probably things have only got a lot worse over the past 30 years.

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#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

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Published in 1995 this book is largely out of date but reading it and knowing the horrors that were still to come was maddening. At one point Larson lists places that people were still able to feel safe from guns and most of those places, like churches and grocery stores, have been the locations of mass shootings in recent years. Difficult to read this and know that decades later things feel less safe. #authoramonth

Christine Wow. 😣 13mo
Reggie The other day at the casino someone let out a sharp yell at tables games and the man in front of me turned around real quick. Not to see who won but if he should run. You could just tell. Depressing. 13mo
Jas16 @Reggie ugh. That is so depressing that this is where we are. 13mo
Suet624 Wow. 11mo
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Before You Know Kindness | Chris Bohjalian
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My novel BEFORE YOU KNOW KINDNESS was published in 2004. I view it as a novel about animal rights and (yes) a dysfunctional family. But today a reader reminded me that page one describes the horrors a bullet inflicts on any animal…including humans.

KathyWheeler I bought this one because I loved the title and the cover. Now I need to read it. 😊 14mo
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