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This one just didn‘t do it for me. I didn‘t really like the characters from the beginning and the ending felt rushed. It was a quick read though. I just wanted more! #192025 #2021 @Librarybelle

Librarybelle At least it was a quick read! 2y
monalyisha Hi there! I just saw your #AuldLangSyne registration. I‘m going to need to delete it, unfortunately, because you haven‘t entered the titles and authors for your books… try again but quickly! There are only a few spots left! 2y
Sresendez12 @monalyisha 🤦🏼‍♀️that was my tiredness coming through! Got it in and fingers crossed there is still a spot! Thanks for giving me the heads up! 2y
monalyisha @Sresendez12 All set! Relieved you saw my note in time. Phew! Only 1 spot left! 2y
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Speak, Silence | Kim Echlin
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This is a powerful and disturbing book about a journalist who attends trials at The Hague for war crimes committed during the Bosnian war. She learns the stories of the women who are the principal victims of these horrific crimes.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#192025 #2021 @Librarybelle

Librarybelle This sounds like this is a tough read 2y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 2y
EvieBee Wow! Must read. Sounds like a companion to 2y
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kwmg40 @Librarybelle It certainly was a tough read, but worthwhile! 2y
kwmg40 @TheAromaofBooks Thanks for the encouragement! 2y
kwmg40 @EvieBee This book did remind me of Intimacies, which I had liked very much. However, it is even more disturbing, as much of the book is focussed on the victims' stories. 2y
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41/22 Gripping, disturbing, claustrophobic, sad, intense, not my average holiday read. I wasn‘t entirely satisfied with the ending but it tied it up in a pretty neat bow, which I wasn‘t expecting and I was glad of. I felt like I read it under a perpetual storm cloud regardless of the French sunshine #booked2022 #anauticalnovel #192025 #2021

Cinfhen Excellent choice for this prompt!! This was a heavier read but I found it very well done 2y
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The Duchess Countess | Catherine Ostler
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Talk about a real life soap opera! This biography chronicles the infamous 18th century Elizabeth Chudleigh, whose trials and tribulations mingling with the aristocracy and royalty is so fascinating. Just when you think her story is going to calm down…nope! This is not a fast read - it took me weeks to get through the book. But, Ostler chalks this full of so much information, and it‘s clear Chudleigh‘s influence is still felt today.

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This Much is True | Miriam Margolyes
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5 ⭐ and a lot of 🤣🤣🤣 - do the audio if you can as she does voices for some of the people in her life.

#ukroadtrip #oxfordshire
#192025 #2021 @Librarybelle

Tagging @Cinfhen as I know you enjoy a good audio & as a Jew, Miriam presents some interesting thoughts on Israel/Palestine. Only problem is that this comes towards the end so you have to get through the rest first!

My only criticism is that she doesn't spend much time on the HP films ⬇️

jenniferw88 which is one of the reasons why I bought the book, but as she says she is more interested in reality than fantasy. 2y
Cinfhen I‘ve stacked!! I‘ll probably use my Audible credit 😁Thanks for the recommendation xx 2y
Prairiegirl_reading @Cinfhen it comes up on sale on audible sometimes. That‘s how I got it. 😄 2y
Librarybelle Awesome! And great recommendation! 2y
Cinfhen Ohhh, good to know @Prairiegirl_reading I‘ll watch and hope 🙏🏼♥️ 2y
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He did it again! This book is even better than his first one.

Just genial, rich of British humour and clever wit.

Relationships and dialogues between the characters are well developed. For me, the plot is not much realistic but it's well put together.

Definitely worth reading it!

#2021 #19822022 @Librarybelle

Librarybelle I still need to read Thursday Murder Club!! 2y
Dodi @Librarybelle Yes, I'd highly recommend you begin with Thursday Murder Club first, where there's an introduction to the characters... who you then get to know much more in the second one. 2y
BooknerdsLife Have this one on my TBR. I've read that this one is better than the first book? 🙂 2y
Dodi @BooknerdsLife Yes, I loved it more than the first one! Be prepared for lots of fun! 2y
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Magpie | Elizabeth Day
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⭐⭐⭐⭐ For publishing year #2021 I chose this book that here in the UK was on top of many to-read lists last year. It was very engaging and gripping. The topics are mental health issues, women's infertility and motherhood. I liked the author' style of writing so I'll want to read other books written by her. I didn't like the end but I still recommend reading it! #19822022 @Librarybelle

Librarybelle The cover is very intriguing! 2y
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Just finished reading a book published in #1991 and ready to start one written in #2021, 30 years later.

The "wisdom of no escape" was easy to read but I feel I haven't learned much from it. Also, there's too much religion (Buddhism) in it which I think should have been stated on the cover. Overall, it made me feel calm when I was reading it so it's been a pleasant enough read.

#19822022 @Librarybelle

Librarybelle Feeling calm while reading it is good! 2y
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The Glass Hotel | Emily St. John Mandel
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This was my all time favorite reads for #2021. I love this author and I am blown away by the lyrical prose. This comes highly recommended by me because I want to know your opinions! #alltimefave #loved #highlyrecommended How can I encourage people to pick this up?

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Orwell's Roses | Rebecca Solnit
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Solnit examines Orwell, his writings, and the influence gardening (especially roses) and nature in general had on his writings. She also takes her examination a step further by generally viewing current and historical politics and situations through the lens of nature and roses. Very interesting read! #19822022 #2021