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The Fall of Gondolin
The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
In the Tale of The Fall of Gondolin are two of the greatest powers in the world. There is Morgoth of the uttermost evil, unseen in this story but ruling over a vast military power from his fortress of Angband. Deeply opposed to Morgoth is Ulmo, second in might only to Manw, chief of the Valar.
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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It's wild how 2021 is almost ending. 👀 Sharing some books I want to read in 2022. Very ambitious, considering the length of 3 of these. 😂

Der Fall von Gondolin | J.R.R. Tolkien
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Today I got the new shiny version of 'The Fall of Gondolin' 🤗 I want to complete all books of the new edition the next time. #NewBook #FellowshipofTolkien #Newin

The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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I loved The Children of Hurin, despite how tragic it is, so I anticipate having a similar reaction to The Fall of Gondolin.

The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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#7Covers7Days #CoverLove #CoverCrush Day 4

@sammisho Want to join in by sharing 7 covers you love over 7 days without explanation?

JazzFeathers It is one of the best Tolkien covers l've seen. 5y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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vivastory Alan Lee's are the definitive Tolkien illustrations for me 5y
Daisey Great choice! 5y
JazzFeathers It is one of the best, indeed. 5y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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When I read this letter from Tolkien, it broke my heart. He had no idea at the time of finishing LOTR‘s first draft what impact it would have on the world. In fact, he‘s apologetic about its more adult theme when compared to The Hobbit and doubted it would be well received.

BookBabe Wow. Isn‘t that amazing how rarely we realize the importance of what we do 😮 5y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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Cozy and warm with a cup of coffee laced with Irish Cream. In listening to a lot of audio books I think I‘ve forgotten how important it is to connect with paper and ink again. “This uplifts the heart like the drinking of cool wine!” says Tuor of Gondolin.

The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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I forgot to share my haul from a local library sale! I got all of these for only $8! The Fall of Gondolin is brand new and I practically fell all over myself when I saw it on a bottom shelf.

I had an interview at the library that day and afterward needed to decompress, so we stopped by the sale despite my not needing any new books. I am so glad I did!

Texreader That‘s awesome!! 5y
DivineDiana Fantastic! 5y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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Gotta love my brother who gave me these gifts; a Fallout 4 fob watch, a cap from Starship Troopers and of course, a book that really deserves to be a movie. I think I‘ve reached full geek mode!

sixgun I just saw an array of of Vault Boy pins at Target. I'm not really sure how I left the store without them. 5y
Martyn_J_Pass @sixgun You should go back and get them!!! Lmao 5y
sixgun @Martyn_J_Pass , yes, yes I should! 5y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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Finally reading this book ❤️📖 #currentlyreading #middleearth #Christmasbreak

The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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1. I was 103 feet underground in Ohio Caverns.
2. Nope
3. The rest of my week off work.
4. The black sweatpants that I'm wearing.
5. A wondrous, near mythical city falls to an evil horde after a few giant sized egos clash. Heroics and tragedies abound.
#HumpDayPost @MinDea

MicrobeMom 😲 6y
MinDea Cool!!! 6y
PacingTheCage Awesome! 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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Heading out to the presentation.
Wish me good luck! 😣


Birdsong28 Good luck 🍀📚📖 6y
TrishB Good luck 👍🏻 6y
FlowerFairy Good luck! 🍀 6y
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Daisey Good luck and enjoy! 6y
Jas16 🍀 6y
RohitSawant Good luck! 6y
JazzFeathers @Birdsong28 @Daisey @TrishB @FlowerFairy @Jas16 @rohit-sawant Thanks so much guys! The presentation went well enough, according to the audience. I can never tell how it goes. I always think l'm doing a terrible job. Yesterday at a certain point while l was speaking, l thought, "Jeez, what kind of crap am l talking about? Now l'll stop and walking away." But afterward a few of the guys told me it was a 'beautiful' presentation. Pfiuh! ? 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Congratulations! I‘m so proud for you, I know you were nervous. I‘ve seen your Tolkien posts and journal though so I know you DID do a beautiful job. Now you can relax a bit! 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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Fellow travellers of the #YearOfTolkien l need your help!

I'm preparing the presentation of the ltalian edition of the Fall of Gondolin in my city. I'll present the genesis of the story first and l thought l remembered we read a poem that mentioned Earendil that was written at a very early stage. Am l mistaken? I thought it was in The Lays of Beleriand, but there's a poem about Gondolin there instead.


Riveted_Reader_Melissa I want to say the Book of Lost Tales,... but you are right, it started with a poem about the Evening Star 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Here: http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Eärendil it says The Book of Lost Tales Book 2, The Voyage of Eärendil the Evening Star, it also gives some historical background to the name 6y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa It‘s down under the inspiration for the name section, towards the bottom of the page 6y
JazzFeathers Thanks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa l was thinking it must not be the Book of Lost Tales and had to be in the History of Middle Earth 😩 You saved my night 😘 l really really need to pin down the presentation tonight, l'm starting to have a bad case of anxiety 😨 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JazzFeathers Thank google! Google is a short cut index to just about everything! You got this!! 6y
Daisey Glad @Riveted_Reader_Melissa could help! It did sound familiar to me, but I would not have thought to track it down via Google search that quickly. 6y
JazzFeathers @Daisey Yeah, me neither. I would have looked up all the books, starting with the History and l would have come to the Book of Lost Tales at midnight and my night would be gone. @Riveted_Reader_Melissa l mean it, you saved my night! I've more or less pinned down the presentation. Still need to refine it and give it a logica form 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JazzFeathers You are so welcome! I‘m so glad my googling helped. There is just so much out there now, I am beginning to think of google search as a massive card catalog that can tell me anything, and for anything with a fandom attached there is so much detail in where characters are mentioned, in what context, where they‘ve appear in the books, movies, etc all online. Good luck with your presentation, I‘m so happy you‘ll be able to share your.. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ...Tolkien love with even more people! 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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Look what came today! Aren't they gorgeous?! 😍 I can't wait to sink into this Middle Earth deliciousness! 💕📚

JazzFeathers Beautiful! 😍 Already read all of them 😈 6y
Branwen @JazzFeathers That's awesome! 😀 Which did you like best? 6y
JazzFeathers @Branwen Hard to say. They are such different stories, each one with its own heart and personality. I love all of them. 6y
DaveGreen7777 Dose covers!!! 😍 6y
Branwen @DaveGreen7777 Right?! Aren't they so lovely?! 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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So my presentation for the Fall of Gondolin has been schedule for the 18th November and l'm trying to wrap my head around the material.

Honestly... there's so much to say l don't even know where to start 😦😥


@Riveted_Reader_Melissa @wordslinger42 @Daisey

wordslinger42 You'll do great!! I'm sure it's a little overwhelming to organize something like that, but how much you love Tolkien will show (& that's what matters most)! 6y
JazzFeathers @wordslinger42 l hope so. At the moment l feel like l'm having lots on my hands and am just holding everything without being able to decide what l need to look at first. But l'll do this 💪🙌😁 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa How are you making out, I know you‘ll do great thing, I‘ve seen your journal pages, but I wanted to check In with you anyway. (edited) 6y
JazzFeathers @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Awww, thanks so much. I've done very little this week, it was a rough one. But l hope to at least pin down what l want to speak about during this weekend. My plan is to present the position of the story inside the mythology and flash out the evolution of the mytholigy too. Touch upon the other two Grear Stories and upon what l think the main themes are that bind them together. Too much? 🤔 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JazzFeathers Nope, it sounds really good👍 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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1. My son and I when he came to work with me last Saturday.
2. The Fall of Gondolin
3. Work work work. Farmers and fried fish.
4. An article of clothing that is on my person.
5. "Take my love, take my land,
Take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care, I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me."
#HumpDayPost @MinDea

TheLibrarian Take me out to the black,
Tell them I ain't comin back.
Burn the land and boil the sea,
You can't take the sky from me
(edited) 6y
TheLibrarian ❤️ Firefly ❤️ 6y
tonyahoswalt The best theme song! 6y
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madamereadsalot1 The absolute best show! I sing this theme song all the time. 6y
Ingerella Browncoats!! 6y
sprainedbrain Omg, Firefly! ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
RainyDayReading Firefly 🖤 6y
JazzFeathers How are you liking The Fall of Gondolin? I finushed it a week ago abd lived it, no matter if l had already read most of the material during the #YearOfTolkien lt's such an awesome story! 6y
TK421 @JazzFeathers I am loving it so far! It has always been some of my favorite history of the second age of Middle Earth. 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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Dang you Costco!!!!

The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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I loved this book, even though it's bittersweet that this is the last of the tales to be published. I think, overall, I've enjoyed reading this and The Children of Hurin even more than the History of Middle Earth (though both are great).

wordslinger42 @JazzFeathers @Daisey @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Hey gals! I'll be taking a break from all social media for a week, but wanted to let you know that I'm fine with starting The History of the Hobbit whenever, so if you want to start reading before next Monday or Tuesday, I'll catch up 😊 6y
Daisey I think I feel the same way about the books on individual tales vs. the History of Middle-Earth. Have a good week! 6y
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JazzFeathers Have a good week @wordslinger42 😄 l'm actually enjoying both presentation of the stories. They are two very different formats that make for different experiences. Gimme more!!!!! @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Daisey l still have a couple chapters to go (it has been such a tiring week l've done very little reading), then l'll be ready to go with the History of the Hobbit. Do we want to wait for @wordslinger42 to be back? I don't mind waiting. 6y
JazzFeathers Also, is someone available fir preparing the schedule graphic? With work gone crazy as every year in October, my spare time is very tight in this moment 😶 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JazzFeathers Then I say yes, let‘s wait a week. It will give you a change to catch up and give @wordslinger42 a break too. Sound alright @Daisey ? Or do you want to wait until November @JazzFeathers ? (edited) 6y
Daisey @JazzFeathers @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m good with waiting a week or a couple. October is always pretty busy for me too. I took a look at the page count and table of contents, and this is going to be a long read. Do we want to do a schedule for just the first phase or two to start? I only have kindle and no page reference for how long each section is. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Daisey I have the kindle version too, but yes, I also noticed it‘s a very packed volume. I‘ll tackle the schedule since I haven‘t for awhile, so it‘s most likely my turn anyway. And I think I‘ll skip a couple weeks to give everyone a chance to catch up a bit...I‘ll take a look at it when I get home and see what I can come up with. 6y
JazzFeathers @Riveted_Reader_Melissa That sounds fine with me, and thanks 😊 October is really a busy month... and you know , gals? I'm going to present the ltalian edition of The Fall of Gondolin in my town, so l may bounce some ideas at you soon. Maybe you can help me form a table of contents for the presentation 😇 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JazzFeathers Wow, you will be busy! And yes, feel free! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Daisey Just looking at Goodreads, it looks like this vision of The History of the Hobbit was originally 3 books republished as one volume, so that‘s probably why it‘s so packed. 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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I finished the last pages of this newest Tolkien book that compiles the various versions of the story of Tuor and the Fall of Gondolin while enjoying the scent of Frostbeard‘s Inklings Candle. After reading some of the History of Middle-Earth, I recognized the individual pieces of the story, but I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the evolution laid out in one book. Plus, the illustrations by Alan Lee are amazing.

#YearofTolkien #TuorReadalong

JazzFeathers I hope to finish today. I enjoyed it a lot too. Reading The History of Middle-Earth in chronological order is one thing, reading the complete evolution of just one story is another. I'm throughly enjoying both experience. 6y
Daisey Yes, I am so glad I‘ve read both and really appreciate the insight the History of Middle-Earth offers, but I do think I personally enjoy these books of individual tales more. 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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I can‘t say there is a lot new here if you‘ve already read The Histories of Middle Earth, but as always it‘s always a pleasure to read one story all condensed into one volume with all its versions and additions accompanied by the beautiful drawings of Alan Lee.


Daisey Pretty much my thoughts exactly. 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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I finished the last version of the story tonight, and the writing in this section is just beautiful. The descriptions of Ulmo at the sea and Tuor finding the armor, as well as the descriptions of each of the gates of Gondolin are some of my favorite aspects of this version.

#YearofTolkien #TuorReadalong

JazzFeathers Totally agreed! This time around, l particularly enjoyed the conversation with Ulmo 6y
Daisey @JazzFeathers Yes! After reading the versions so close together the development of the writing in this one was so clear. So much build up to be abandoned at such a critical point. 6y
JazzFeathers @Daisey Have you already read Christopher's insight? It's so melancholy. 6y
Daisey @JazzFeathers When I posted this I had just finished the last version itself. I read the rest of the commentary yesterday. A few of the comments Christopher made at the beginning about what a full story in the final form might have included do seem melancholy and match my own thoughts on what was never finished. (edited) 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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“For heart that is pitiless counteth not the power that pity hath, of which stern anger may be forged and a lightning kindled before which mountains fall.”

JazzFeathers ❤❤❤ 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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#YearOfTolkien #TuorReadalong

This last part of the written story is so beautiful, so evocative. The setting really comes to light and l almost thought l was there.
But l also loved the way emotions come through. The Elves here all know each other and what they say in their calma way reveals a lot more than it is apparent.

Such a shame that Tolkien never went past this point.

The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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Honestly, l think that, popular as his major works are, Tolkien's less known work are crazily #underrated

#YearOfTolkien #TuorReadalong

Daisey Agreed! 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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Thanks so much to everyone that wished me a happy birthday today! I haven‘t had a chance to read through all the messages yet. First I‘m going to enjoy this hard cider and cookie with a few more pages of Tolkien. I‘m looking forward to reading the last version of Tudor‘s story. Also, I have to share the lovely bookish necklace from a friend!

#YearofTolkien #TuorReadalong

sammisho Happy Birthday!!!😍😍😍 6y
shadowspeak17 Happy birthday! 🎊🎉🎈 6y
InLibrisVeritas Happy Birthday!!! 🎉🎉 6y
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DivineDiana Wishing you a fantastic year! 🎂📚🎉 6y
CouronneDhiver 🎉🎁🧡 6y
BookishTrish Happy birthday 🎂 6y
kspenmoll Happiest of days/evening to you on your birthday!!! 6y
JazzFeathers I didn't know about your birthday @Daisey Happy belated birthday! 🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉🙌🙌🙌🎂🎂🎂 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Happy Belated Birthday!! 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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#YearOfTolkien #TuorReadalong

This central part is so utterly beautiful. The dialogue between Tuor and Ulmo is so powerful. All the passages about the sea are haunting, you can almost feel and hear the power of the waves.
And the sequence about the winter are so atmospheric.

This version is so beautiful. Christopher is right: it's extremely grievious that Tolkien never finished this story.

Daisey Looking forward to this part! I really enjoyed the sections along the coast when reading the History of Middle-Earth. 6y
JazzFeathers @Daisey Me too. It is a beautiful part, and so improved in pace and character building in comparison with the old version. I remembered having loved it, but not that it was so very beautiful 😍 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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I finished another section tonight and am ready to start the last version tomorrow. The details that caught my attention tonight were not so much in the development of this story, but the parallels to other stories. These include the attack occurring on the night of a festival and the battle with a balrog on a high pinnacle.

#YearofTolkien #TuorReadalong

JazzFeathers I too have noticed so many parallels. They are thick ending the further we go into the Silmarillion evolution and l think this is what gives such strong feeling or interconnectiveness which is so characteristic of Tolkien's stories 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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I'm so excited to finally get this book! Reading about Gondolin was always my favorite part of The Silmarillion. I'm happy to have a whole book dedicated the that story and it's development. Now to try and catch up with the #TuorReadalong .

sprainedbrain Gosh that‘s a gorgeous cover. 😍 6y
Daisey Glad to have you join us! 6y
JazzFeathers So glad to see you join us!! 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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#YearOfTolkien #TuorReadalong

This later versions of the story of Tuor's is so beautiful. There's se strength and a purpose that wasn't in the first version.
I'm really enjoying Tuor's relation with nature.

The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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#YearOfTolkien #TuorReadalong

I don't know why l was so tried yesterday night, but l couldn't read a word from any of the books l'm reading.
Well, l inted to at least make a dent in the latest version of Tuor's story.

The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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I‘m not going to get caught up yet since there is another book I want to try and finish today, but I did read a couple more short sections this morning.

I think having already read some of these separately in the History of Middle-Earth makes me more appreciative of the process than if I were just reading them collected together here for the first time.

#TuorReadalong #YearofTolkien

JazzFeathers I agree. When we read it in the History of Middle-Earth l only vagually realised the evution of the story. Here l can really appreciate it. 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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#YearOfTolkien #TuorReadalong

Although a summary of the story just like the previous chapter was, this extract from the Quenta Noldorinwa was so much more refined. Here we can see Tolkien giving thoughts to style and voice as well as the plot (which has not greatly changed from the previous version).
I'm always in awe of the Professor's ability to use words.

The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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Nothing like early morning #bookmail

JazzFeathers Reading now with the #YearOfTolkien #TuorReadalong 😁 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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As always these Alan Lee drawings are excellent!

Daisey I had a hard time deciding between the one I chose and this one for my post. They are a perfect complement to the story! 6y
JazzFeathers Probably the best by Lee so far 😍 So envious my friends git to mit him in London in releas day 😱 @Daisey @wordslinger42 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa 6y
wordslinger42 Yes, his artwork is always stunning 😍 It's one of my favorite things about reading this book! 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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As always these Alan Lee drawings are excellent!

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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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It took me some time tonight, but I finally caught up on this read-along! Phew, I was really far behind, good thing a bunch of those sections were very short.🧝‍♂️and as always, I wish that tiny Legolas section would get expanded on in one of these stories, I‘ll be interested to see if we get more when we get into The History of LOTR

JazzFeathers Yayyyy!!! So you're caught up! I caught up yesterday night too. Yeah, l hope we'll learn more about Legolas in the section of LotR of the History. Can't be a coincidence that these two characters bear the very same name. Me, l'm fascinated with Ecthelion of the Fountain 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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I finally had some time today to sit down and finish “The Tale of the Fall of Gondolin.” The details of the battle in this version are amazing. I‘m also glad I have a physical copy of this book so that I can truly appreciate the illustrations by Alan Lee.

#YearofTolkien #TuorReadalong

ReadZenRites That illustration! 🤩🤩 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I just finished it tonight too! 6y
JazzFeathers As Christopher said, it is really grievious that the only complete story we have of the Fall of Gondolin is this one. Because, extended as it is, it still feels condensed in comparison to the potencialities. @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @wordslinger42 6y
Daisey @ReadZenRites They are amazing! It was tough to decide which to include in my post. 6y
wordslinger42 @JazzFeathers I agree! When I came to the end of it, I found myself wishing there was more of the story! 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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#YearOfTolkien #TuorReadalong

I the Sketch of the Mythology Maeglin's story is Explorer more than any other element, so that he nearly shadows Tuor's position.
Maeglin is one of those character who was born for convenience and then became such interesting guy.

Daisey Looks like you‘re catching up! I made some progress through the first long version of the tale during silent reading with my students today, but I still have something like 50 pages to be on schedule. I‘m enjoying the details of this one since some of the more recent versions I‘ve read were much more condensed. 6y
JazzFeathers @Daisey lndeed l caught up yesterday night. Once you'll finish the long tale, it'll be easy to catch up. I feel so sorry that Tolkien never dedicated the time and efforts he grande to his other two great stories to this one too. The Fall of Gondolin is very different from both Beren and Luthien and The Children of Hurin, but it isn't less involving and epic. Thought l think part of it ended up in Gondor 😉 6y
JazzFeathers @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @wordslinger42 How are you faring, gals? 😊🙌 6y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JazzFeathers I caught up last night too! Funny we all got behind in that Long section. 6y
wordslinger42 @JazzFeathers I'm ready to start The Last Version today! I read ahead a few days this week because I always seem to end up falling behind 😂 6y
JazzFeathers @wordslinger42 Ah! I thought l'd read ahead too, yesterday. Then l thought l should behave 😏 6y
wordslinger42 @JazzFeathers 😁 Well, I know from experience how easy it is for me to fall behind so I thought it might be better to stay a day or two ahead! 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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#YearOfTolkien #TuorReadalong

A very short fragment from the early stage of the creation of the story. Tuor's story was so different al the beginning

The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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#YearOfTolkien #TuorReadalong

The final section of the original al tale of Gondolin once egain surprises me for the tight action, the understanding of military movement and tactics and the touching personal moment.

Daisey The action and detail in this section was fantastic! 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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It is fall, guys! Today is so chilly l can barely stand it. And to think that last Sunday at the festival l didn't even wear my custome because it was really too hot...

Reviewsbylola It got chilly here too! 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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#YearOfTolkien #TuorReadalong

Really liked this central part of the story with the focus on characters. And once again l wonder why readers have so many issues with Tolkien's female characters. Idril is clearly the smartest and most insightful of the bunch here.

The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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Well, l'm starting to be decidedly behind with the #TuorReadalong but l hope to catch up during the weekend.
This first part of the story is so peculiar. So little action, so little interaction between characters, and still there's such an haunting quality to it.
I'm enjoying it.

Daisey I‘m behind and hoping to work on catching up this weekend as well. 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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I am SO excited for this readalong!! Everyone is welcome to join us 😄 #TuorReadalong #FallofGondolin #YearofTolkien


The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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#YearOfTolkien #TuorReadalong

I'm a bit behind in the reading, what with the trip to the Tolkien festival during the weekend.
It was nice to reread this part of stories. The Oath of Feanor in verses is one of my favourite passages in the legendarium.

(At the festival, l saw the original illustration of the Battle of Alqualonde, up right)

wordslinger42 What was the Tolkien Festival like?! 😍 6y
JazzFeathers @wordslinger42 lt was two days in a Renaissance keep. The festival was especially for illustrators, but there were many Tolkien/fantasy associations too (like the one l belong to). There's a dragon sleeping in one of the rooms 😏 Comfetences, shows, little market and lots of interesting people to meet. If you scroll down my feed, you'll see a pic of the dragon and one of the keep. 6y
wordslinger42 @JazzFeathers That sounds like such an amazing event!! 6y
JazzFeathers @wordslinger42 lt was great. It was such fun and l met so many interesting people 6y
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The Fall of Gondolin | J. R. R. Tolkien
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My favorite way to start Saturday is with a book and breakfast, and for at least a year that has generally been a book by Tolkien. I know many of these passages will be ones I‘ve already read in other books, including much of this prologue, but I really enjoy this method of following a story through its subsequent versions.

Also, #BreakfastWithTolkien seems a perfect way to celebrate #HobbitDay.

#YearofTolkien #TuorReadalong #readandeat

JazzFeathers I agree. It really looks like we've already read much of this book elsewhere, but l can't wait to read this story in its own right 6y
wordslinger42 I love your mug 💚 I also really enjoyed the prologue of the book even though it was familiar! 6y
Daisey @wordslinger42 Thanks, it was a fun mug to make! 6y
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