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Vocabulary 4000
Vocabulary 4000 | Jeff Kolby
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Other vocabulary books list difficult, esoteric words that readers quickly forget or feel self-conscious about using. Here there is a bounty of choice words, between the common and the esoteric, that will flow forth, once learned. Brief Description: English offers perhaps the richest vocabulary of all languages, in part because its words are culled from so many languages. It is a shame that we do not tap this rich source more often in our daily conversation to express ourselves more clearly and precisely. Many a vocabulary book lists esoteric words we quickly forget or feel self-conscious using. However, there is a bounty of choice words between the common and the esoteric that often seem be just on the tip of our tongue. Vocabulary 4000 brings these words to the fore.All the words you need for success in business, school, and life!Features: * Word Analysis section* Idiom and Usage section* 200 Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes* Concise, practical definitions* Great for the SAT, GRE and other entrance exams.
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Vocabulary 4000 | Jeff Kolby
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1- not unusual here but I regularly get a hard time for my vocabulary 😂 I once argued with my supervisor about the correct use of tumultuous 🤷‍♀️
2- all of Game of Thrones or HP 😂
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Thanks for playing!🌞 4w
peaKnit I have that talent too;) reading really increases the vocabulary. My nickname in the office for many years was …word champ! 🤣 (edited) 3w
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Vocabulary 4000 | Jeff Kolby

Hi, there! Hope your weekend is going well.
I have a question: as I‘m not a native English speaker, I‘m looking for improving my English and my vocabulary, in particular.
I‘m open for offers and suggestions, and I‘ll be so grateful for the help!
P.S. I am living in English-speaking country, use English in my everyday life - chatting, reading mails and etc. Also I‘m reading in English a lot. Mark new words, but still feel like I‘m not good enough.

tpixie Your English in this post is perfect! I would have never guessed English is not your first language!! 🥳🥳🥳 5y
Captivatedbybooks Have you thought about reading kid chapter books? Like Charlottes Web? That would be good exorcise 5y
Hope_a @tpixie Thank you so much, dear. ❤️ I have the feeling that I am using the same words all over again. Trying to keep a treasure dictionary handy, so I can check for synonyms and not repeating myself. Also I read a lot of book bloggers and they use such a word, oh my god. Some time I have to check every second word. But somehow it sounds more profound, and makes me want to go up to their level of expression. 5y
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Hope_a @Captivatedbybooks I am thinking of reread Harry Potter series. I‘ve read the books hundreds of times but in my mother tongue. A friend told me that Rowling built up such a great vocabulary through the books that makes them so helpful when you want to improve. 5y
tpixie @Hope_a I've heard we speak at a third grade level, and so to build your vocabulary, you need to read. Sounds like you're off to a great start!! ( Maybe enroll in a word a day in a dictionary app and write one sentence using it- even if not in your blog!). 5y
dreadamara Have you tried audio books? I know listening helped my pronunciation and grammar when I was learning Arabic and Greek. 5y
Hope_a @dreadamara Yeah, I did but I‘m easily distracted. I failed listening audiobooks even on my language. (Shame! 😅) 5y
melissanorr Maybe try reading and listening to the same book. I know a colleague of mine who listens to a chapter of an audiobook (or has her tablet "read" an ebook to her with the accessibility software) and then reads the same chapter in print. She said it really helps her with retaining the material so it might also work for building vocabulary. 5y
Slajaunie Watch the news. They speak with no accent and do not use slang. 5y
Hope_a @melissanorr Thank you! 😊 I‘ll try. 5y
Hope_a @Slajaunie Yup, I‘m watching the news (especially now with this hot Brexit topic). I don‘t have a problem with understanding. I‘m working with native-speakers from different parts of the country and they all have different accents. Looking for a way to build up a good vocabulary because I have a feeling I use simple words and repeat myself constantly. 5y
danimgill For adding to your vocabulary you could always try flashcard type games! I used freerice.com when I was in school to study for the SAT vocabulary section, the site donates rice to a charity organization for every correct vocabulary answer you give. But I‘m sure there are tons of newer apps/games for vocab out there now 😊 Your English is awesome by the way! 5y
Slajaunie There are different accents as well as local slang. Try crossword puzzles. 5y
Hope_a @danimgill Thank you! I checked the site and it‘s amazing. Already listed some new words from there. Thank you, again! 5y
LazyDays Pinterest has some great boards to help with sight words. Just search learning English. Hope that helps, good luck! 5y
LazyDays Also thesaurus.com helps find other words with the same meaning. So you don't feel like your saying the same words.😊 5y
Hope_a @LazyDays Thank you! I know about Pinterest‘s boards, also have my own with grammar explanations, phrases and others. It‘s really helpful. ☺️ 5y
CoffeeK8 @danimgill I second the Free Rice recommendation 5y
Redwritinghood Duolingo is a good, free service. 5y
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Vocabulary 4000 | Jeff Kolby
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AmyG Yay🎉🎉🎉 6y
Liatrek Congrats 🎉🎉🎉🎉 6y
batsy Woohoo!! 🎉🎉🎉 6y
twohectobooks @AmyG @Liatrek @batsy thank you to all you much higher litfluencers! 🤓😉 6y
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Vocabulary 4000 | Jeff Kolby
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I personally will keep all of mine, but I only sell the ones I didn't like or won't read again. I'd rather see if anyone might like it instead. #bookishquestionoftheweek

Lynnsoprano I keep my favorites. A fair number of books hubby and I finish go to one or the other of our kids, as they and their spouses are all voracious readers. We've also started donating some to the church we now attend, that has a used book shelf fundraiser--50 cents for paperbacks, $1 for a hardback. 7y
Scurvygirl I keep mine, unless I really didn't like the book, then I will donate it. 7y
AnnieReads It depends. There are some favorite authors that I always keep or a book that just really blows me away. Just because I don't keep a book doesn't mean it wasn't a great book but I have limited space so am very particular as to which ones stay. I trade in the non-keepers at Half-Price Books for the most part. 7y
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dariazeoli If I know I won't read it again or don't want to keep it for some other reason, I donate it to a Little Free Library. The books I've left there are always gone by my next visit! 7y
Ruri_kaichou If I really love it and will reread it, I'll keep it. If I know I won't read it again, I'll give it away or donate it to the library. 7y
OriginalCyn620 My space is limited, so I only keep the books that I really love. I donate the ones I don't keep, because maybe someone will find it and love it! 7y
Reecaspieces Only if it was so good I might keep it and pass along to people I know will give back, and if if is a signed copy. I usually swap them at the used book store or donate them 7y
Avanders I almost always give them away (to friends/family or to the library or good will or a local bookstore), even if I loved it. I keep a small handful for lending/rereading.. (edited) 7y
quietlycuriouskate It depends. I've had some books twenty years or more and though I've not read them again I'm still not done with them somehow. Some I donate almost straight away. Most I keep, but have a shelf-purge every year or so. 7y
Lreads I always keep books I've read even though I generally don't reread them. Looking at them on my shelves reminds me of the pleasant times spent amongst their pages. I donate books I don't like or DNF. I don't know anyone IRL that reads so that's not an option. 7y
Caroline2 I always give them away once I've read them, I have so little space as it is so all my shelves are full of TBRs. 7y
jillannjohn I only give away or donate the ones I didn't like or know I'll never reread. My shelves are overflowing! 7y
Rudis It depends on the book? If i loved it/might want to read again, i keep it. Otherwise I'm happy to share my books between friends & family if there's any interest, or donate them. 7y
mjdowens I pretty much keep all of mine. I will do a purge and sell some, but most of them I keep. Each book I read has memories attached and makes it hard for me to let them go 7y
IamIamIam It depends. I used to give away books to people who wouldn't appreciate them and I lost a lot of books that way. Then I felt I had to keep every last one! Now, with the advent of digital reading, I don't feel so attached to all of them. I'm going through my books now and making a box for my favorite used book store so I'll be passing them on soon enough! 7y
BookishGirl06 I just figure that if I didn't like the book I can pass it on to bookbarn on my yearly visit and maybe get store credit or even cash for them. The others just get donated. 7y
JoeStalksBeck I always keep mine 7y
monkeygirlsmama When I lived in the states and was able to get print books I bought some that I kept, others I gave away to friends/coworkers I knew would really enjoy them, and then there were others I would read and trade in for credit at the used book store. Honestly most of my book buying was done at the used book store and library sales. I would buy from the big box stores on occasion, but I liked the used so I could score more bang for my buck. Hehe 7y
Soubhiville If I liked it a lot I keep it. Anything less and it gets passed along- given away to my mom or a friend, dropped in a little free library, or Book Fairy dropped. 7y
Smangela I giveaway books if I didn't like them... but that's rare 🙈 7y
Redwritinghood Usually, I keep it. Unless I hated it, then it gets donated. 7y
drokka I generally keep books even if I didn't like them. Romances are an exception to the rule, as the women in my family swap those. 7y
heikemarie I almost always donate or pass them along, unless it's something I think I'll read again and again. 7y
cajunsyd If I loved it I keep it. Otherwise I pass it forward or donate it. 7y
TNbookworm I keep a few but the majority is donated to my local library. 7y
Char I also keep some, but donate most to the library. 7y
Lindagrace22 I keep everything. Even if I hated it I wont get rid of it. The only time I give away books is if I have a duplicate copy, but I just recently started doing that because I was running out of space. 7y
TheDaysGoBy I usually keep mine unless I really hated the book. That almost never happens though. I love building up my library as kind of visual proof of some of the books I've read 7y
Liatrek I only give books to people I know will take care of them otherwise I keep all my lovely bind babies 😊 7y
Cityofamber I keep the ones I like, if I didn't like it it gets sold/given away/ donated. 😊 7y
BookishShelly I usually sell them. If it's an ARC that I won, I send it to my sister. 7y
charissharpe If it's one to keep I do, otherwise I donate them to charity. 7y
KellyMuser I only keep my favorites, and I never lend those, or anything that I ever want to see again for that matter. I've given most of my books away to friends and relatives. I've left a lot in the lunchroom at work, left some behind on vacation, and put a few in those little free library boxes. 7y
Zelma I rarely keep mine due to not being much of a re-reader. Typically give to friends or donate to library. However, I am now saving read books for potential Litsy exchanges. 😋 7y
Jadams89 I'm a re-reader, so I keep most of mine. If I know for sure I'll never read it again I'll give it away. I also lend a lot to my fellow readers. 7y
Gulfskye If it's a book I know I will read again I keep it but if I know I will only read it once I will pass it along to someone else. 7y
Cortg I keep YA series or a very small handful that I think a family member will read, otherwise I pass them along. I rarely reread books and they just collect dust. I work at a library so I'm always surrounded by books. 7y
Valeka All of the above! If the book really spoke to me, I keep it. I do pass books along to others or donate them to Little Free Libraries. 7y
emmaturi Some I keep others donate to the book swap I go too 7y
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Vocabulary 4000 | Jeff Kolby
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Made it to 4000 with a little help from my friends. 👏👏👏 Thanks everyone. 😊

BookishMarginalia 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 7y
DGRachel Congrats!🎉🎉🍾🎉🎉 7y
JoeStalksBeck 👏👏👏👏👏❤️💃🍾🕺🎊🎉🎈📚📚 7y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome!!! 📚🎉🎊😊📖🎈 7y
CrowCAH Woohoo 🎉👏🏻 7y
Ms_T Bravo! 🎉👏🏻👍🏻 7y
Suet624 👍👍👍 7y
britt_brooke 🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
Redwritinghood 🎉🎉🎉🎉 7y
asiriusreader Yay!! 🎉🎉🎉 7y
moranadatter Congrats!🎉🎂 7y
Andrew65 @moranadatter Thanks 😊 7y
Lmstraubie Yay! 👏👏👏 7y
Bklover Congratulations!🎉🎉🎉 7y
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Vocabulary 4000 | Jeff Kolby
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Does anyone follow The Grandiloquent Word of the Day? I love it. I plan on using the words they find in my books 😆.

MaryAnn1 I've got to incorporate this into my life! 😁 7y
OhNoMersault I follow them now. Thanks for the rec. 7y
kspenmoll Now I will! Thx! 7y
Suelizbeth Well, I do now. Thanks. 7y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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