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The ABC of Communism
The ABC of Communism | Nikolai Bukharin, Evgenii Preobrazensky
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The ABC of Communism is a book written by Nikolai Bukharin and Evgenii Preobrazhensky in 1919, during the Russian Civil War. Originally written to convince the proletariat of Russia to support the Bolsheviks, it became "an elementary textbook of communist knowledge". It became the best known and most widely circulated of all pre-Stalinist expositions of Bolshevism and the most widely read political work in Soviet Russia. Long out of print, and often only being available with the abridged first few chapters, this version includes completed new transcriptions of the last eight chapters along with the Programme of the Communist Party of Russia, a glossary, and a new word index. The ABC of Communism is written to be a systematic description of communism and the proletarian condition under capitalism, away from the reality of Soviet life, into a redirection towards a militant optimism on the horizon. This book in the Radical Reprint series from Pattern Books is made to be accessible and as close to manufacturing cost as possible.
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The ABC of Communism | Nikolai Bukharin, Evgenii Preobrazensky
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"It seems to me that all suicides in circumstances of hunger and need have the undoubted character of murder... The question of a right to suicide will only make sense in a future society where no material motives for suicide will exist. Only in a society that has guaranteed to all its members the means of existence will the question be appropriate.”

- Yevgeny Preobrazhensky, 1912

Bookwomble This is quoted in The War on Disabled People, but I wanted to attribute it to the actual author, Preobrazhensky. I don't know if it's in the book tagged in the main post, though.
Sorry it's rather dour for a Sunday evening (on my line of longitude). My reading is all over the place today.
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