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Joined January 2022

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This is my current book club pick. Not my normal choice and the content is hard going. Someone‘s personal suffering is always painful to read but this lady is a born writer. So much so that at times I‘ve felt like I was reading fiction, the jolt back to reality often lands with a bump and a few tears.

Homesickness: Stories | Colin Barrett
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Short stories are not really my thing, always leaves me wanting more when they just end! Maybe never more so than with this book, where some of the stories had me totally gripped! Excited to read Wild Houses now as I think Colin Barrett might just be a bit special.

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Prophet Song | Paul Lynch
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This book is powerful, scary, devastating but also compassionate and tender. So deserving of its Booker Prize winning status. The reviews were right, I doubt I will ever not be able to recall the details of this book no matter how long has passed.
Comparisons to handmaids tale and 1984 cannot be denied but this book is a masterpiece in its own right and deserves its own status as a literary classic.

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May‘s TBR stack! Excited to finally read Prophet Song. The tagged is a book club pick and definitely out of my comfort zone!

The Women: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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When the inside cover art looks like this you know it‘s going to be good. I‘m a huge Kristin Hannah fan and am so excited to get stuck into this one.

Shuggie Bain | Douglas Stuart
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Wow this is a bleak read but totally immersive! About half way through and can‘t put it down. I‘m always in awe of people who can write a first novel that is this good!

The Other Mothers | Katherine Faulkner
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Little bit of a change of pace after my last few reads. Haven‘t read a thriller in a while, so far so good.

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Towles debut novel is a sure fire hit in my eyes. His writing style is so atmospheric, catapulting you to 1930s New York so effectively, that I felt like I‘d lived that time period myself. Even his most distasteful characters are hard to dislike as they are so richly crafted. It was one of those rare books that you can‘t put down but equally try to slow down reading to make it last as long as possible. Cemented me as a Towles fan for sure.

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LOVED this book. Gilbert is not the most comfortable lead, he has many faults but you still end up championing him throughout. He navigates his dysfunctional family the best he can, his love for his brother, Arnie is pure and whilst he struggles to find reasons to stay his loyalty ties him to his family. 5 stars for me

Memphis | Tara M Stringfellow
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This book was fabulous. From the first page you are drawn in. Multiple narratives tell the tale of 3 generations of Memphis women. I love multiple narratives but these are exceptionally well done. Trigger warning some of the content is upsetting and violent.

The Memory Library | Kate Storey
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This is a book of 2 halves. The first half sees a daughter estranged (to a degree) from her mother. She returns to London from Australia to take care of her after she has a fall. At first I found the daughter hard to like and I struggled to understand how she couldn‘t see the truth in front of her but as the book progressed I was charmed by their relationship, the books they shared and how they repaired their bond through this shared love.

American Rust: A Novel | Philipp Meyer
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Find me a better book! Perfect reading and sunshine after months of rain! A great Sunday.

The New Life | Tom Crewe
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Decision time!

The Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Reading about the Congo whilst in -23 temps in Finland is peculiar!

BarbaraBB Haha! Great view though 😍 4mo
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Hard to resist this cover. 15 pages in and I‘m hooked!

Washington Black | Esi Edugyan
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A brilliant book with a wonderful central character, Washington ‘Wash‘ Black. His emotional story is skilfully narrated throughout the novel and the character development from boy to man is superbly written. I defy anyone not to feel deeply for him. The ending seemed to bring him some peace and I was relieved that he was determined to be recognised for the brilliant mind he was in the end, rather than become a footnote to his own achievements.

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The days between Christmas and New Year are some of my favourite days of the year. I‘ve saved this one to keep the Christmas spirit alive. Nothing like a children‘s book to do that. ❤️

Stolen | Ann-Heln Laestadius
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Excited to get started on this, perfect type of book for those cold, dark winter evenings.

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I was drawn to this book by the Gilmore Girls references in other reviews. I thought I was going to get a light fluffy autumnal read set in a small town not too dissimilar to Stars Hollow. What I got was Mills and Boon crossed with 50 shades! Not quite the vibe I was going for. It was ok but not the best!

Dirt Town | Hayley Scrivenor
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Set in a small Australian town, a young girl goes missing and Detective Sarah Michaels is on the case to find her. The plot is interesting enough to keep you entertained but the multiple narratives don‘t really work here. I felt all the characters were a little underdeveloped and I kept having to read back to see who was related to who. The main story comes to quite an abrupt end and the extra 30 pages that followed weren‘t really necessary. 3 ⭐️

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Excited to start this, I love books set in bookshops (largely due to my dreams of running my own one day) so hoping this doesn‘t disappoint.

The Great Alone | Kristin Hannah
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Kristin Hannah is a definite favourite of mine and so far this book does not disappoint.

JessieKB Cover looks great but I extra love the lamp and mug!!! 9mo
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This book was different to what I was expecting. A bit too graphic for me in places (I must be getting old) but lots of characters to like and dislike. I always enjoy a book from multiple voices so that ticked a lot of boxes. 4 stars

Empire Falls | Richard Russo
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I love books set in small town America. This book has a feel of John Irving around it, and I‘m already obsessed with the main character. Quite by coincidence it‘s also the second winner of the Pulitzer Prize, I‘ve read this month.

Nickel Boys | Colson Whitehead
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It‘s taken me a while to build up the courage to read another novel by Colson Whitehead. The Underground Railway still haunts me a little but I‘m so glad I have. The content is still brutal but the writing is poetry.

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Trespasses | Louise Kennedy
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This was not quite as good as the reviews had me believe. Whilst the writing is spot on and carefully portrays Belfast during the troubles I never quite felt the build up to the tragedy you knew was on its way, was effective. It just felt a bit flat for me. However from a historical point of view it was brilliant and I felt the feelings of the characters and their behaviours brought a real depth to the description. A solid read but not a rave!

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Started this today, a totally different pace from my last read, so I thought I might struggle to get into it but I‘m hooked already.

currentlyreadinginCO I am obsessed with this book! Enjoy. 10mo
Donna1980 @currentlyreadinginCO I can understand why. A great read, loved it! 10mo
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Sitting with this book on my lap now, not ready to admit I‘ve finished. I‘m not sure I remember the last time I read a book that broke my heart like this one. A beautiful book, full of carefully crafted characters, flawed but beautiful. I loved them all. However Marx was one of my all time favourite literary characters. An outstanding book, worth all the hype. I adored it. I‘d give it 6 stars if it was an option.

SheilaChew Me too! 6 out of 5 stars 😁 6mo
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Excited to start this, have only heard good things.

marleed Well worth the read! 10mo
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Mr B's Emporium of Reading Delights | Bath, United Kingdom (Bookstore)
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I have never been to a more glorious bookshop. Bookshop of dreams.

River Sing Me Home | Eleanor Shearer
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15th wedding anniversary book stack from the husband. He knows my love language that‘s for sure.
Bought today at the most beautiful book shop in Bath: Mr B‘s Emporium

The Sentence | Louise Erdrich
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This is not what I expected at all but I‘m liking it. Strange, enchanting and funny, is one of the reviews and I think it‘s a good fit for this book!

Demon Copperhead: A Novel | Barbara Kingsolver
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I felt like Demon had led a 100 lives before he even turned 18. An excellent piece of storytelling. I found it hard to keep going at times as the content is so grim in places but also this is the skill of Kingsolver to confront you as a reader to the sad and devastating lives of children who experience life this way. I think this one will last in my memories for a long time.

Marriage Portrait | Maggie O'Farrell
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Beautiful book stacks make me happy ❤️

Caroline2 I loved Tomorrow. 👍 11mo
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Demon Copperhead: A Novel | Barbara Kingsolver
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Track side whilst the youngest runs. Seeing if this book lives up to the hype. Sunshine and books 😊

Our Missing Hearts | Celeste Ng
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Started this today sitting out in the garden. 100 pages in and can‘t put it down. Have loved Celeste Ng‘s first 2 novels and this one may just become my favourite yet. Fans of the Handmaid‘s Tale will draw parallels here for sure.

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Just over half way through this and really enjoying its narration. I‘ve read quite a few reviews and feel this book definitely has a love/hate relationship with its readers. It‘s what put me off reading it initially. Have you read it? What did you think? Genuinely curious to know your thoughts.

Unfollow | Megan Phelps-Roper
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Finally warm enough to read in the garden! Finished the tagged this weekend. Really dragged my heels on this one as the first 100pages were pretty hard going. However you needed to understand exactly what growing up in this family was to understand that to walk away from it took incredible strength. I was surprised how tearful I felt at multiple points during the last 80 pages. A difficult but interesting read.

Black Cake | Charmaine Wilkerson
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Bank holiday weekend sorted. Already half way through Black Cake which I put on my TBR pile a while back after it was recommended by the Obamas. Unfollow is my pick for book club this month, after being challenged to pick a non-fiction book. Have read good reviews so hopefully it doesn‘t disappoint.

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Beautiful views and sunshine, perfect place with a pretty perfect book. ❤️☀️

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Oh, this is going to be good! Started this whilst waiting for my youngest at the track. Can‘t put it down, it drew me in from the first page. Reminding me of another favourite of mine Plainsong. Can‘t wait to see where this book goes.

megnews I loved this one and still think about it. 1y
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The Garnett Girls | Georgina Moore
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Looking forward to reading this debut which is set on the island I live on, before attending an event with the author early next month. I have high hopes for this one.

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My last book of 2022, reaching 45 for the year. The most I have read in years. Stepping away from my phone and spending more time reading has reminded me why it is my favourite thing to do. This book is an insightful view on a direction you can quite easily see modern society going. Whilst it is easy to judge the main character, the skill of the author encourages you to look at all sides. A little woolly in the middle but it finished strong. 3/5

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Loved this book! It is Hollywood glamour from the outset and such an enjoyable read. I laughed, cried and felt so much for the characters in this book. Its beautiful story telling and it has confirmed I‘m a big Taylor Jenkins Reid fan. Highly recommend! 5 🌟

Apples Never Fall | Liane Moriarty
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This was a real page turner. Told through a series of flashback and current events it cleverly weaves together the pasts of each characters. The result being that you are swept along in their mystery of Joy Delaney‘s disappearance, never being quite sure who may be involved. Twists and turns along the way meaning I often found myself thinking about this book during the day. I‘ve enjoyed most of Moriarty‘s books but this one more than most.

Sorrow and Bliss | Meg Mason
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Martha sees all her flaws but is powerless to do anything about them. She is looking at herself in a mirror screaming at herself to get it together but her reflection just keeps fading away. Countless prescriptions have dulled the edges of her life and include the advice not to have children. Once properly diagnosed at the age of 40, she realises that to be a mother is all she has ever wanted. The revelation is heartbreaking.

Wish You Were Here | Jodi Picoult
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I‘m a fan of many of Jodi‘s books but this one wasn‘t for me. Based on the pandemic, it is clever, well researched and I imagine very true to life for many who lived through it. The twist in the middle is quite a shock and definitely added a dynamic to the story that I wasn‘t expecting. However this one just recalled too many memories of a time I don‘t wish to relive in a book. I‘m sure for many this will be therapeutic, I‘m just not one of them.

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I‘m glad I‘ve read this book and would highly recommend but be ready to deal with the honest depiction of this horrific period of history. The author is on a mission to make you see and feel it all.
Cora‘s escape on the Underground Railroad is a non- stop ride of fear and danger. She is never able to feel truly free, haunted by a past that nips at her heels the whole way through. A richly developed character who you will hope for endlessly.

An American Marriage | Tayari Jones
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I think what resonated most with me in this book was how accurate I felt it‘s portrayal of marriage was. A marriage that is pushed up against the ropes, when all feels helpless. Celestial and Roy are separated by prison, Roy accused of a crime that Celestial knows he didn‘t commit. Devotion, shown through letters starts to wain as one goes forward in life and the other is incarcerated. It‘s heartbreaking but honest. Deserving of its rave reviews.

Great Circle | Maggie Shipstead
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This book was epic, all 670 pages of it but I‘m so glad I chose it to be a holiday read so that I could be fully absorbed in it. A book with layers like this needs to be given the time it deserves to be truly loved. Marian Graves dreams of being a pilot and to circumnavigate the globe. So the story is set in motion as the author traverses the 20th century through the lives of 2 women predominantly but many other beautifully written characters. 5🌟