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@Cinfhen I couldn‘t actually get you 10 for my #TopTenSummer2023. I have been stingy AF this year, but I highly recommend all 9 of these! The top row are the best three - a new-to-me author who brings so much emotion to her writing, the beach read queen, and a memoir I was happy to reread with #CampLitsy23!

Suet624 Screenshot! I haven‘t read any of these. 9mo
Soubhiville Oooo, intriguing list. Headed over to Libby to add to the audio TBR! 9mo
Megabooks @Suet624 I hope you find some you like! 9mo
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Megabooks @Soubhiville fantastic!! 👍🏻👍🏻 9mo
Chelsea.Poole The Vanishing Point and Southernmost are both on my list! Dreamtown I‘m curious about…happy to see them all on your list! 9mo
Megabooks @Chelsea.Poole I think you‘d like all three! Very curious about what you‘ll think of dream Town as an Ohio person. 9mo
BarbaraBB I‘ve been waiting for this!! I pre-ordered Acorns and definitely want to read the Brundage too. Any others I‘d like? 9mo
Cinfhen Wow!! What a surprising grid!!! 😍 and I‘m so glad to see some NF choices up there🙌🏻 9mo
Megabooks @BarbaraBB you might enjoy Southernmost. I‘d be interested to read what you think of a window into some people in Kentucky/Tennessee. I think its deep relatability to my life is what pushed it to the top. The Facebook whistleblower book (The Power of One) is interesting and has some international focus, but is fairly long. Only if you were really in the mood to dig deep into nonfiction or it fit a challenge prompt (something about big tech). 9mo
Megabooks @BarbaraBB I do think you‘ll love the two you‘ve chosen already!! 9mo
Megabooks @Cinfhen yes! I think you‘d enjoy Dream Town and Kingdom of Prep! 👍🏻👍🏻 9mo
Megabooks @Cinfhen also the power of one would be an interesting one if you had the inclination to dive into big tech/whistleblowers for a challenge prompt if you can #BorrowNotBuy. 9mo
Megabooks @Cinfhen I also want you to try one of the Hooper titles on hoopla! Maybe not that exact one, but read all of hers and see what you‘re in the mood for. 👍🏻👍🏻 9mo
BarbaraBB Southernmost sounds great and I do like to know more about where you live. Will try and purchase it! 9mo
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Tom Lake: A Novel | Ann Patchett
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Inspired by many of you and the hashtag #TopTenSummer2023 which I‘m shortening to #Top2Summer2023Reads AND @marleed ‘s #indexcards , I created this postcard of my faves between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Mailing to @AFridayFriend 😁


Readerann I‘m on a library hold for this one! 9mo
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