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Orlando: A Biography | Virginia Woolf
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This book took me a long time to read but only because I set it aside a few times when life was busy. I‘m not generally a fan of Woolf‘s style, but I liked this the best of her books I‘ve read so far. It‘s an intriguing take on life, gender, and time. I found it fascinating how Orlando seemed perfectly able to fit into every period of time, and no one questioned these random people living hundreds of years.

#1001books #SerialReader

merelybookish I'm reading her diaries right now and she's writing Orlando. She considered it a lark and had fun writing it. I think that comes through! 2w
BarbaraBB My favorite Woolf too! 2w
Daisey @merelybookish I can complete see that. It really does just feel fun in many places. 2w
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The Inimitable Jeeves | P. G. Wodehouse
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Loved Sabriel on audio. Tim Curry narrating!

The Good Soldier is on #serialreader so I know I'll finish it (can't say I'm enjoying, but yay for another #1001books down)
I'm loving Fault Lines so far, so I'm sure I'll finish it, then probably go back to Wild Seed, which I'm also enjoying
For audio, I'll finish Jeeves and start The Phoenix Crown - highly anticipated so 🤞 it lives up to my hopes

emz711 Wait. Sabriel narrated by Tim Curry? Like the fantasy book? 3mo
llwheeler @emz711 yep! He was great, and I'm glad I finally got around to reading (listening to) it! 3mo
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Started Evelina this evening!

#SerialReader #epistolary #RandomClassics #1001books

janeycanuck Is Serial Reader only as an app or will they do emails, too? 4mo
Daisey @janeycanuck As far as I know it‘s just the app. 4mo
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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I‘m just not a fan of Virginia Woolf‘s style. This is beautifully written with detailed descriptions from the perspective of various characters, but I was again disappointed by the lack of plot. I didn‘t especially care about any of the characters except for the story of Septimus and Rezia, and theirs is just sad.

I read most of this on #SerialReader but also listened to an #audiobook version. It was easier to follow the characters in print.

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Don Quixote | Miguel de Cervantes
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In all the discussion of books in chapter 6, I found this one the most interesting and amusing. The author‘s own first book is included on the shelves. According to the footnotes in my print copy, he never wrote a second part.

#SerialReader #RandomClassic

jenniferw88 I lol'd at that part, too! 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Yes!! 😂 7mo
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I can‘t give this a pick, because it was so difficult to keep going at some points and dragged interminably in many places. Yet, I can appreciate what Richardson accomplished with this story and thought it used the epistolary format very well. It was frequently slow and repetitive, but it also made me feel connected to the characters as well as developing strong reactions to their choices and words as well.

#SerialReader #1001books #Clarissa

Currey Congratulations Daisey! It was great reading with you and the whole group. 8mo
AnnR 👏👏👏 8mo
Amiable Thanks for sticking it out to the end! So glad to have been a part of the #Clarissa crew. 8mo
Daisey @Currey @AnnR @Amiable Thank you! Yes, it was so much better to read this together. I don‘t think there‘s any way I would have made it without the accountability of the group and a schedule for checking in and discussion. 8mo
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✅ Done!

I need to think about this a bit more and will probably wait for this weekend‘s discussion to post a final review, but I finished reading Clarissa this evening! It‘s one of the hardest books I‘ve pushed myself to keep reading, but I can also see its merit, so rating and reviewing is tough.

#Clarissa #SerialReader #1001books

AnnR 👍👏 Well done! 8mo
Lcsmcat Congratulations! I‘m waiting on my review too, but we have earned the t-shirt for sure! 😂😂 8mo
Daisey @AnnR @Lcsmcat Thank you! 8mo
Amiable Hooray! 💃🏻🕺🎉 8mo
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I made it to the 95% mark according to Serial Reader today with my lunchtime reading! We will finish this book and soon!

#Clarissa #SerialReader #ReadAndEat

TheBookHippie 🎉🎉🎉🎉 8mo
AnnR 👏👏👏 8mo
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A little backyard Sunday morning reading

#Clarissa #SerialReader #epistolary #1001books

AnnR Nice photo, with the reflection. 🌿 9mo
Daisey @AnnR Thanks, I may have spent a little too much time figuring out how to get the words and the reflection to both show up. 9mo
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I‘m still not going to quite get caught up by this weekend, but I‘ve made it to 75%, so I‘m celebrating that! 🎉

Reading another of Lovelace‘s long letters has me wanting to throw the book (actually my phone) again. He seems to have no concept of the harm he has caused, and he‘s cruel even to those he considers his closest friends. I so want Belford to truly turn on him before this is all over.

#Clarissa #SerialReader

BarbaraJean Reading any of Lovelace‘s letters makes me want to throw the book (my Kindle)! I‘m not sure if it‘s that he has no concept of the harm he‘s caused or if he just doesn‘t care. He‘s so self-involved it doesn‘t seem to make a difference. But yay for 75%!! 10mo
Amiable @BarbaraJean @Daisey These past two weeks with Lovelace's letters juxtaposed against several other voices really hammers home just how much I hate listening to him spin his “side“ of the story. It's a stark and jarring contrast. 10mo
AnnR Congratulations making to the 75% mark! 10mo
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Lcsmcat It really pounds home the “this is the bad guy” message to see his letters next to others‘ voices! @Amiable And @BarbaraJean I think he‘s the definition of a psychopath! 10mo
Lcsmcat It‘s a major accomplishment for us all to have gotten this far without destroying books, devices, and any man within reach. 😂 Congratulations @Daisey ! 10mo
jewright I‘m at 76% now. I‘m so annoyed. Did you get to the letter from Clarissa‘s mom yet? It also really annoyed me. (edited) 10mo
Daisey @BarbaraJean @Lcsmcat @Amiable Thanks! I‘m glad I‘m not the only one wanting to throw it so often. I also agree the contrast seems to make his letters even worse. 10mo
Daisey @Ann_Reads Thanks! This is definitely the kind of book where the daily cheers from Serial Reader are appreciated. 10mo
Amiable @jewright I read that letter last night -- her mom is a piece of work! Although I'd love to meet Clarissa's sister alone in a dark alley. 😒 10mo
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