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The Premonition | Banana Yoshimoto
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I‘m fond of Japanese literature but not a fan of this book. Themes of long-buried memories, and childhood are woven into the story with a melancholic, dreamlike tone. The starting was lovely; along the way, I just lost interest in the story and the protagonist. I also didn‘t like the two relationships depicted in the story (can‘t say anymore without spoilers).

Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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7-11 May 24 (audiobook)
The story of two men, a teenage boy named Kafka who runs away from home and a man named Nakata who suffers from an intellectual impairment as a result of a strange accident during WWII as their lives seemingly draw to an inevitable intersection.
Murakami‘s writing is at times beautiful and did mostly maintain my interest, but I found the Oedipal storyline a bit much. I also found the way Murakami writes about sex jarring.

mjtwo The story of two men, a teenage boy named Kafka who runs away from home and a man named Nakata who suffers from an intellectual impairment as a result of a strange accident during WWII as their lives converge. 2w
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The Master of Go | Yasunari Kawabata
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Was fascinating how differently I felt about Shoiji Morimoto at different parts of this. I went from genuinely curious to is this guy for real? 1st time reading a memoir where it‘s the concept that‘s the hook rather than being someone that I already admire. He‘s at no point trying to paint himself in the best light (he goes out of his way to let you know that he‘s not driven by altruism but at the same time, only charges train fare for his time)

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The Goodbye Cat | Hiro Arikawa
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If the title doesn't warn you, bring out the tissues 🥹 Our bookclub loved the Travelling Cat Chronicles and decided to read this book of short stories by the same author. It was nice to visit with a few cats and their families, including some familiar faces. The POV switched between cats & humans and each story had a unique premise

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The Premonition | Banana Yoshimoto

This book started off interesting enough, but once they got into the relationship aspects it got a little taboo and weird, I think. Also, I‘m not sure if it was the translation of the book, but the way the story was told seemed very choppy.

dabbe fanofthepan! #betterbooksahead 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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Parts of this book I couldn‘t put down but other parts were so boring I wanted to give it up. I‘m not satisfied with the ending, I‘m not satisfied with the weird hotel/well drama, I don‘t know. I feel like this book could have been great.

birdie_gw Never read this author and don‘t plan to - have heard such good things about some titles but just can‘t bring myself to approach! 1mo
pdxannie @birdie_gw it was extra long but if it had been edited down to an appropriate length I think it could have been great. But yeah, I can‘t say I recommend. And I don‘t think I‘ll pick up anything else by him unless it comes with a write-up from someone I adore 1mo
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I had never heard of the do nothing rental person on Twitter/iInstagram, so I was intrigued. He doesn‘t charge anything, but his transportation costs(if a meal is involved, they pay) He then writes about experience on line. Most of the requests are quite calm. One person requested to have him bid her goodbye at a train station as she left Tokyo for good but didn‘t want a friend there bc it would be too emotional. She just wanted someone there.

JanuarieTimewalker13 Book 12 4/12/24 2mo
BarbaraBB Sounds intriguing 2mo
JanuarieTimewalker13 @BarbaraBB it‘s such a short book, it‘s worth checking out. I liked it. 2mo
BarbaraBB I‘ve stacked it 🤍 2mo
JanuarieTimewalker13 @BarbaraBB cool, it‘s very Japanese imo. And I love to read Japanese Lit, but pretty sure this is my first Japanese memoir. 2mo
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Strangers | Taichi Yamada
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1: Strangers/All of Us Strangers - my all-time favourite film, which is one of the few I can say, without experiencing that niggling book-blasphemy feeling, is better than the book.
2: Stardust - I loved the book so much, but the film has a totally different vibe, which I preferred.
3: Good Omens - technically not a film in this case, but an incredible series that is far superior to the book, I think.
(Couldn't screenshot, so had to improvise).

TheKidUpstairs The first time I watched Stardust, I watched it twice back-to-back. I love that movie so much! 2mo
TheIntrovertedDodoBird @TheKidUpstairs Oh, I love that. It's incredible. I've lost count of the number of times I've watched it now. The cast was brilliant! Watching films back-to-back is a favourite pass-time of mine. I love the comfort in the predictability of it. 2mo
ChaoticMissAdventures Poor Gaiman, the movies are just so good! 2mo
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Norwegian Wood | Haruki Murakami

Beautiful and devastating