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A Feast for Crows | George R. R. Martin
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Arianne is locked away in comfort, but thinking of her dead or captured friends. She demands to see her father but he doesn‘t come
She begs, fights,tries to get messages out. She goes hungry & her father finally calls on her
Arianne realizes he needs her help. Balon Swann is coming &Arys is dead, Myrcella maimed.He reveals Arianne was betrothed to Viserys, now her brother Quentyn is across the sea to bring back their desire: vengeance, fire &blood

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A Feast for Crows | George R. R. Martin
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Cersei turns her malice to Pycelle, she extracts that Margaery has been coming to him for moon tea which Cersei concludes she must have a secret lover. But this won‘t be enough evidence &she needs Tyrell‘s armies until Stannis is defeated
She accuses the Blue Bard of laying with Margaery, he denies, Qyburn tortures him until Cersei gets the story she wants.
She sets her wiles onto Osney to goad his false confession. But he has demands of his own.

BethM Evil incarnate 2d
5feet.of.fury @BethM truly. She does not care who she steps on. 2d
Bklover @BethM You are right- she is evil! It amazes me that no one has “eliminated” her!!! 2d
Roary47 So ready to be done with her. I hope someone does @Bklover 19h
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A Feast for Crows | George R. R. Martin
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Jaime meets with Ser Brynden. He deflects questions about Cat‘s girls. Jaime offers to exchange Edmure for the Westerlings, which is rejected. Things escalate, but Jaime leaves with nothing
Further plotting devolves between the Freys &former Stark allies
Jaime &Payne approach Edmure at the gallows which rousts Ser Ryman. But they only cut him down. Jaime has him clean &fed &imparts the reality of what they will do if Riverrun is not surrendered.

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A Feast for Crows | George R. R. Martin
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They come upon many hanged corpses. &suspect Beric Dondarrion. They come upon survivors, mostly children left by the sparrows. The smith, Gendry, reminds her of Renly. She tries to place if any of the girls could be Sansa or Arya
Brienne brings Gendry dinner& questions him on his parentage. But they are interrupted. Riders arrive, lead by Rorge in The Hound‘s helm, Brienne kills him but is blindsided by Biter.

Creadnorthey One of my favorite characters by far. Gave up watching the show because I was afraid they‘d die…☠️ 4d
BethM Cliffhanger ending! 4d
5feet.of.fury @Creadnorthey @BethM GRRM set a crazy precedence with character deaths. Anything could happen! 3d
Roary47 Oh man… she still has a mission. 😢😭 3d
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A Feast for Crows | George R. R. Martin
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Ser Loras turned the siege into a slaughter, Dragonstone is won, but he is severely wounded. Margaery convinces herself he will live, but everyone thinks he is dying.
Cersei sits through the petitioners, tells Tommen what hard work ruling is. Tommen speaks up for himself &Margaery to Cersei‘s shock
She dreams of Maggy the Frog‘s prophecy. She tells Qyburn of her dream &he corrects the name to Maegi. Tells her the future can be changed.

Roary47 I don‘t like her scheming thoughts. Her pushing Tom aside after he went to protect his older wife was so sweet. Cersei was just like awww how cute… go away I‘m ruling here. (edited) 5d
5feet.of.fury @Roary47 I know! Lil Tommen having a backbone, Cersei‘s not an easy person to stand up to, so sweet! 5d
majkia Poor Tommen 5d
BethM She‘s super crazy. Loved the chapter though. It feels like her chapters are the only ones with clear direction in this book. 4d
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A Feast for Crows | George R. R. Martin
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Sam says the prayer of passing over Maester Aemon on Cinnamon Wind. At Braavos it seemed he may recover, eager to find Dany. It falls to Sam to convince the Citadel that Daenerys is their hope
Sam &Gilly drink for Aemon‘s passing &things get physical, Gilly declares she is his wife now. He feels guilt at breaking his oath & debates jumping into the sea, but the crew tells him to talk to Gilly, reminding him that he‘s all she has here.

BethM All the feels in this chapter. 5d
Roary47 Poor Sam torn between his heart and his duty. I secretly (not so secretly)hope they can have a life together. 5d
Sargar114 If he only knew about Jon breaking his oath, then he wouldn‘t feel so guilty 4d
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A Feast for Crows | George R. R. Martin
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Quick schedule update since idk what the heck happened to the last couple weeks of the schedule 😂 I blame Cersei & Jaime.

 @IMASLOWREADER @Bklover @tdrosebud @Sargar114 @Roary47 @HeyT @BookwormAHN @BethM @BooksNBowls @majkia @Lizpixie @StayCurious @mjdowens @Gissy @Doppoetry @Captivatedbybooks #GOTChapterADay #ReadingWesteros

Probably will start A Dance With Dragons 6/17 and finish at the end of August

Sargar114 😂😂😂 7d
Bklover Can‘t wait for 6/17!! 6d
BethM Yay! 5d
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A Feast for Crows | George R. R. Martin
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Cat dreamed she was a wolf again. She can‘t get rid of Arya Stark. On the streets of Braavos to sell clams& learn secrets, she finds Dareon who has thrown his Black clothes into the river. She asks about Sam, while Dareon tickles the youngest girl from the Cattery
She helps the waif make potions. When the kindly man asks what she has learned she reports that Dareon is dead, his throat slit by Arya Stark. When she awakes the next day she is blind.

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A Feast for Crows | George R. R. Martin
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Ser Daven Lannister arrives. Siege continues at Riverrun. Daven has a marriage contract with a Frey, Lancel has recently broken his to take his vows
Edmure‘s wife is pregnant, once born Freys will have a Tully heir.The Blackfish still has Jeyne Westerling. They have not attacked because Lord Emmon doesn‘t want HIS castle damaged. But new ally Gawen Westerling wants his family rescued
Jaime realizes siege needs to end &will treat with the Blackfish

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A Feast for Crows | George R. R. Martin
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Margaery begs Cersei to help with the Ironmen at Shield Islands. Cersei blames Willas &convinces the others that this is a diversion by Stannis. Despite the threat to Highgarden, Cersei will not provide ships until the siege at Dragonstone is won. Loras says he can take Dragonstone if given command
Balman fails to kill Bronn
She goes to bed with Lady Merryweather, claiming her rights as Robert had done to Cersei, but doesn‘t take the same pleasure

majkia She's become a monster. 1w
5feet.of.fury @majkia I was trying to feel for her when she recounted Robert‘s abusive behavior, but then she wanted to turn around & hurt Taena… sickening. 1w
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Roary47 @majkia agreed. I read Cersei as the title of the chapter and I wonder what sort of crazy am I going to witness in this chapter. 1w
BethM @majkia agreed. I disliked her in the show, but I hate her in the book. She‘s so much more mentally unstable here. 1w
majkia @BethM Yes. In the series she always seemed to have it together. She was cold and used people, and I disliked her intensely. But here she's far worse. 1w
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